In the first chapter of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church located in Rome he goes into detail while explaining the role of God’s chosen, appointed and anointed messengers. It is important that those who follow their teachings and examples know what to look for in a church leader. For this reason, those in the church are instructed listen and read with the Holy Bible always in mind in order to compare what their ministers are teaching and how they are living to what the Lord has written in His Holy Scriptures. Believers are instructed to “test the spirits” of those who lead them to see “if they are of God” (1 Jn. 4:1). Any deviance means that one is not in tune with the supreme Author of the Bible. Recall that He commanded that not one jot or tittle (period, comma, etc.), not one Word could be altered, added to or removed from the Holy Scriptures. He said that this rule would remain in effect as long as heaven and earth remained in place (Mat. 5:18/ Gal. 3:15).
Due to her Catholic background, “the church” does not follow God’s commands relative to their leaders due to the belief that all ministers are called by God, hear from Him and proclaim what they have heard. This monumental error has become a deadly, self-inflicted wound that has allowed Satan to saturate the whole of professing Christendom with heathen doctrines and practices that God plainly and repeatedly condemns in His Book of Truth. The homepage of this website lists a number of such beliefs and customs, many of which form the foundation upon which the modern version of God’s church was founded. To these we can add the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) craze that has taken the church by storm of late. This Satanic ploy, along with the rising call for all religions to join together into one, all-encompassing church, will erase true Christianity from the world scene. The Book of Revelation warns God’s people about a singular, world-ruling, antichrist-serving church that will come into being in the latter part of the Great Tribulation Period. This church will rule the religious lives of all but God’s Very Elect whom He will have placed in a place of safety until the return of His Son to earth.
Failure to do due diligence relative to the teachings of church leaders caused the church to begin going off-track soon after her founding in 31 A.D. By the time Paul came along the church was already in trouble. His letters to the churches in Galatia (1:6-9) and Corinth (2 Cor. 11:4) reveal that the trend away from strict adherence to God’s Word was already underway. The letters were written in 68 and 60 A.D. respectively. The Apostle Jude (vs 4) issues another powerful warning in 66 A.D., as does Paul in his first letter to Timothy (4:1) written in 67 A.D. As noted, these letters were written early on in the life of the New Testament Church. The passage of time has brought about an ever-widening gap between God’s Word and man’s various versions of what He wrote which, they contend, overrule God’s Word.
Now we will turn to Romans chapter 1 and read what Paul wrote relative to the work of a true messenger of God. Though his focus is not on the apostles themselves, what he teaches speaks directly to their singular assigned ministry which they all shared. Recall that when Jesus sent the original apostles out into the world they all were given one set of instructions. There was never a hint that there would ever be a deviation among what they taught or what they did. Nor was there to be differences in the teachings of the apostles who would follow in their footsteps. Today there are hundreds of differences. The two main differences are called Catholicism and Protestantism. Their mini-differences are called denominations, all of which are abominations which God condemns.
While studying the following verses, let us remember that Paul did not receive his Gospel from men, not even from those who had walked with and learned directly from Jesus of Nazareth. He received God’s Truth directly from Jesus Christ Himself through revelation (Gal. 1:12). In the beginning he met with Christ’s original apostles to make sure he was on the right track. Because of his zeal for correctness, the Lord used him to write over half of the Books of the New Testament. Because Paul had lived most of his life in opposition to the will of God, he was the perfect messenger to teach salvation seekers, specifically Gentiles, what to do and what not to do relative to the way and will of the Lord.
In 1:1 Paul begins his message by noting that he, along with all true messengers then and now, are SERVANTS OF GOD. A servant has only one job: TO DO EXACTLY WHAT HE IS TOLD TO DO BY HIS MASTER/LORD. Jesus told His original apostles that He would die for them, “IF” THEY WOULD “… DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU TO DO (Jn. 15:13,14). That condition applies to everyone. This is one of the Truths that has been removed from the subjects God assigned church leaders to teach. However, this is not a new problem. Adam and Eve set the standard for not doing what God told them to do. We all know how that turned out.
Another Truth established by Paul in verse 1 is that true ministers are CALLED BY GOD to proclaim HIS GOSPEL. Note that God calls WHOM HE WILL to work for Him, then dictates to them His Truths which He has assigned them to proclaim and demonstrate during their life’s “walk.” That same “walk” is dictated for everyone who calls him/herself by Christ’s name (1 Jn. 2:6). Many a preacher was momma-called, or grampa-called or self-called. “You will know them by their fruits” (obedience to God’s Word). No other fruit is mentioned in the Scriptures. That the overwhelming percentage of church ministers were not called by the Lord is proven by comparing what they teach to what God’s prophets and apostles taught. Prove this for yourself. Listen to your ministers, then compare what they teach to what God teaches. If you know what God teaches, the truth will become clear. They preach what they are paid to preach, which is why God calls them “hirelings.” I receive nothing for what I do. Read Ministerial Ordination. Key word–Ministerial.
The third characteristic listed by Paul concerns the fact that God’s ministers are SEPARATED UNTO THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD. The Word “unto” is significant, a fact I learned the hard way. “Unto” in the ministerial sense means to have only one focus, one job, one passion–proclaiming God’s Word as it is written in His Holy Bible. Years before I officially entered into God’s ministry I knew that I had been called by Him to proclaim His Word. However, I was the sole provider for my family so I felt the need to continue to teach at the local collage. Though for several years I had been hearing the voice of the Lord telling me to stop teaching, I had ignored Him. I not only needed the money, I also loved teaching Sociology. Over time several things happened that told me to stop teaching and to go into full-time ministry. However, I kept ignoring the “still, small voice” of God.
Then the Lord decided that He had been gentle long enough. One day He arranged for me to be stopped at a road construction site on my way to my teaching assignment. Mine was the last car in the line waiting for the signal to move. Then the “lights went out.” When I regained consciousness I was in a hospital Emergency Room having suffered a concussion. Lesson learned. I immediately announced my resignation from the college. Not long after that a stranger offered to set up a website for me. The rest, as they say, is history.
As I wrote in the Ministerial Ordination series, God places the man he wants in the location He wants. Those who want to hear His Truth will come to him. That is exactly what happened in Athens, Texas where we lived at the time of the “accident.” Upon reading a newspaper article I had written, a lady representing about two dozen people told me that she and her group had been praying for God to send a true Bible teacher to them. They had determined that I was the “sent one.” Everything went smoothly until Satan corrupted the minds of the people God had sent me here to lead. Though He had answered their prayers, they suddenly turned away from me because I believed a Truth stated plainly in God’s Word, and they did not. Rather than believe His Word, these people believed one of the women in the group who disagreed with God. God sent them a leader and they rejected him. But God will not be silenced by unbelief. Today thousands of people from all over the world read my messages, now numbering over 2600 covering approximately 300 subjects. For a list of series subjects email me at
The fourth Truth Paul mentions in verse 1 is that God’s true apostles all teach the same subject–the Gospel (good news) about the coming earthly Kingdom of God. God’s true servants do not interpret God’s Word. They emphasize both the “headlines” and the “fine print” found in His Word. Read about God’s coming kingdom on earth using the key word Kingdom. Prepare for a real treat. Headquartered in the Promised Land, this home of the Very Elect will be an incredible place to live for eternity. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers.
In verse 1 Paul refers to Christ’s Gospel. Then in verses 16 and 17 he makes a statement that is universally ignored. Here, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, he states that he teaches the Gospel of Christ FOR (because) “it is the POWER of God UNTO SALVATION for everyone who believes.” Notice the word “UNTO” which, in this case, mean that the Word of God, if believed and obeyed, will LEAD ONE TO SALVATION. It does not mean that to believe in Jesus as the soul-saving Son of God and His Gospel means that one is saved. In verse 17 Paul makes this abundantly clear by stating “FOR (because) “therein” (in Gospel of Christ) is the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED FROM FAITH TO FAITH. If one is saved by believing in Christ as his/her Savior and His Gospel, then why does it take righteousness and faith on the believer’s one’s part in order to be LED “UNTO” (to) salvation? The Scriptures clearly show that salvation will be awarded at the return of Jesus Christ at the time of the first resurrection. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
In verse 18 Paul tells us that God’s wrath falls on those who possess the Truth (God’s Word–Jn. 17:17) in unrighteousness (disobedience). The message is clear: We must build within ourselves the righteousness of God by growing in faith (knowledge of and belief in God’s Word–Rom. 10:19) “until we come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13) and remain there throughout the rest of our lives (Mat. 10:22). THE JOB OF GOD’S CHOSEN APOSTLES IS TO LEAD PEOPLE TO THE SPIRITUAL POINT THAT, UPON CHRIST’S RETURN, THEY WILL BE AWARDED ETERNAL LIFE. L.J.
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