God’s Holy Spirit, working in and through Christ and His apostles, enabled the Lord’s Gospel to be preached throughout much of the world during their lifetimes. Through the power of the Spirit they not only preached the Word, but healed the sick, cast out demons, walked on water, multiplied food and performed other signs, wonders and miracles. God’s power was demonstrated wherever He sent His chosen ministers. Miracles were not the exception, they were the norm. People came to them expecting to get healed, fed, etc. Christ’s multiplication of food caused multitudes of people to follow Him wherever He went. Unfortunately, that was all they wanted from Him, a fact which He knew but fed them in spite of their rejection of His message about the Kingdom of God. Notice that He never had an “alter call” when thousands of people gathered to Him. Why? “Because He knew their hearts.”
People came to Jesus from all over the surrounding areas, bringing their sick and demonically bound to Him and His disciples, knowing that if they could just get into their presence they would be healed and delivered from demonic bondage. Contrary to popular church opinion, this type of ministry was not designed to end with them. Jesus promised the apostles that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them, which took place on the Day of Pentecost following His death and resurrection. Let us return to that day and study the move of the Spirit in their lives as a result of their belief in and obedience to Him.
On the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-3). Bear in mind that Jews came to Jerusalem from “every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5) to celebrate Passover and Pentecost each year. It has been estimated that the city would increase in population by a million or more during the Passover-Pentecost period. These people spoke the languages of the nations in which they lived Acts 2:7-11. When the Holy Spirit entered the disciples they began to speak in the languages of the visitors–languages they (the disciples) did not know. As 2:4 tells us, they “spoke in other tongues”–tongues other than the only language they knew–Hebrew.
News of this phenomenon quickly spread throughout Jerusalem. Visitors throughout the city were hearing local people speaking in their native tongues. As would be expected, this totally amazed them (vs 6,8). This is a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. These foreigners heard local people speaking about “the wonderful works of God” (vs 11). Today, those who refuse to accept God’s Word concerning this phenomenon will go to any extreme to discredit what happened that day so long ago. They equally reject what the Apostle Paul said about it relative to the modern church as recorded in First Corinthians 12:10,28 and 14:5,18,39. Like everything else in God’s church, there is a right way to do this. “The church” says it must not be done at all. The bottom line is this: it does not matter how He did what He did, the facts are: 1) the disciples spoke in “other tongues” and 2) the visitors heard them speak in their own tongues. The speakers knew that they were speaking about “the wonderful works of God” and the hearers knew they were hearing “the wonderful works of God.” The Holy Spirit, like the Gods (Father and Son) Who possess it, do not change.
Neither does the commission Jesus gave to His disciples when He sent them out early on in His ministry, then later when He was preparing to return to heaven. His commissions are given in Matthew 10:8 and 24:18-20 where He tells them: “All power in heaven and earth is given unto Me. Go ye THEREFORE, and preach the Gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleans the lepers, cast out demons; freely you have been given (God’s power), freely give” that power to others by teaching them the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, healing them of their sicknesses, casting out their demons, etc. In God’s church, nothing has changed.
Not so in the Catholic/Protestant church. Miracles were a normal part of the ministry of the original disciples (apostles) because they believed the Gospel and obeyed it. That is no longer the case within professing Christendom. Only within God’s tiny church do we find His power being displayed along with obedience to His Word. The world, and the worldly church, know nothing about the work of God’s Holy Spirit because they neither believe nor obey His Holy Scriptures.
God’s Gospel is rejected in favor of hundreds of perverted versions of that holy Word. For example, God said to true believers: “I am your Lord Who heals you” (Exo. 15:26). Instead of healing the sick in their midst using the power of God’s Spirit, church people go to doctors who “heal” them using drugs, knives, x-rays, organ removal, artificial body parts, etc. Why? Because God will not heal them. Why? BECAUSE HE IS NOT THEIR LORD. The want Him as their Savior, but not their Lord (ruler). The medical profession is one of the most profitable entities on earth because people do not believe and obey God’s Word. Sickness is one of the punishments God uses on those who doubt His Word. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices. The doubters include those who preach it. Even those whom God, in His mercy, heals or delivers from sickness, demonic bondage, etc. do not believe His message. Instead of burying themselves in God’s Holy Word, the recipients of His mercy simply become more religious by going to church more often and reading more church doctrine. Church doctrine is what God really meant by what He wrote in the Bible. Such religious swill is an abomination simply because it exists. MAN DOES NOT NEED CHURCH DOCTRINE. THE HOLY BIBLE IS THE ONLY DOCTRINE TRUE SAINTS NEED OR RECOGNIZE. the home page of this website contains a list of heathen beliefs and observances that churchman has embraced instead of observing God’s commanded Holy Days, His teachings, etc. As one Texas pastor explained when confronted by God’s Word, his church goes “outside of the Bible” in search of the truth. His is the largest denomination within Protestantism and is the one in which I grew up.
Did you know that Easter is a heathen holiday that Emperor Constantine forced the people in the Roman Empire to celebrate instead of the Lord’s Passover? Or that he forced the people to observe the Sunday Sabbath instead of the Lord’s Saturday Sabbath? Did you know that it was Pope Sylvester I who made the Sabbath switch official for the church? Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Halloween are other heathen holidays that are condemned by God. Yet “the church” insists on observing them instead of His Holy Days. This is the work of the “other spirits” that the churches have embraced instead of God’s Holy Spirit.
That which calls itself “the church” is the haven of hundreds of spirits, not one of which is holy. These are demonic spirits operating under the power and direction of the “prince of the powers (demons) of the air” (Satan) who works in the children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2). This is “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) who has “deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9), including the religious world, including the modern day church–the “children of disobedience.”
We must choose the Spirit we want to inhabit us. We must choose which spirit we want to lead us. We must choose which God we will obey–the God of the universe or the god of this world. The choices are clear and mutually exclusive. Our choice is 100% in nature. We obey one or the other. In the eyes of God, we belong to either Him or Satan. Read what Jesus said about the people in the modern day (Laodicean–Catholic/Protestant) church in Revelation 3:14-20. Because these people choose to serve both God and Satan, He compares them to vomit. There will be no vomit in the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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