In his epistles to the church at Corinth the Apostle Paul pulled no spiritual punches as he sought to draw the church back onto God’s “track” from which they had strayed. In chapter five of his first letter we find that, not only has a man in the church been living in a state of fornication with his father’s wife, but the church, in an early attempt at DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), has allowed him to remain a member in good standing within the congregation. In their attempt to display a high level of maturity and sophistication they had become arrogant, believing that Paul would not come to Corinth to chastise them, but would rather go along with them. Being somewhat ahead of their time, they were “puffed up” and taking great pride in their “woke” attitude toward sin in their midst (4:18-21). Sound familiar? It should, for billions of sinners saved by grace, sin is simply part of “Christian life” that Adam instigated. For this reason they keep Mary and Grace on religious speed-dial. This is “another spirit” at work in the lives of those in the counterfeit church.
Paul, however, was having none of the Corinthians’ “we know better than God” theology. Beginning in chapter five he tells them how they had spiritually Gentilized (heathenized) themselves by acting in direct rebellion against the Lord they claimed to serve. As he makes clear, those who accepted sin within the congregation were as guilty as the sinners themselves. He tells them that they should have “purged out the leaven” long ago (5:6-8). If such a purging took place today, there would be no one left in “the church.”
In verse two Paul tells the church that they should have already dealt with the unrepentant fornicator by either putting him out of the church or having put to death using the power of the Holy Spirit. In verse three Paul tells them that, because they had not acted on the issue, he himself would bring about the sinner’s death, even explaining how he would do it. Paul’s words reveal the power that God’s true apostles have available to them. Recall that he once caused a man to be blind for three days (Acts 13). This is a power unrecognized even by those in the true church. Few believers, if any, actually believe John 14:12.
I do, thanks to the Lord Who has given me the same faith He gave to Jesus of Nazareth. He cannot expect me to “walk as Jesus walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) and do everything He did and “even greater things” (Jn. 14:12) without the same faith that He had as a man. I have exercised such power on several occasions. I once prayed for a man whose heart and lungs had been crushed by a falling tree. His entire chest had been crushed. He was being kept “alive” by machines which did the work of his heart and lungs. When I saw him he had been technically dead for four days. The machines were keeping his blood flowing and oxygenated. When I walked into his room he opened his eyes. I introduced myself and told him that I was there to pray for him and that God was going to heal him. I asked him if he understood. He nodded his head. When I finished his eyes, which had been open during my prayer, closed. Three days later he walked out of the hospital under his own power–SO SAID THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER IN THE LEAD ARTICLE ON PAGE ONE. In the article the doctors confessed that they could not explain what had happened. Recall that people were healed by having the Apostle Peter’s shadow fall on them (Acts 5:15). Through the power of the Holy Spirit within me I once cast a demon out of a man using only a thought.
In chapter five Paul tells the church that he would exercise the power of the Holy Spirit by turning the fornicating church member over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh in the hope that, following the second resurrection, the man might return to the Lord (vss 3-5). Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. Paul tells the people that, though he would not be with them when they congregated, his spirit would be with them.
Does this sound like what goes on in your church? What happened to the church that Jesus established in 31 A.D. and empowered to do great, miraculous deeds among the people? The modern church has no power, no Truth and no message that would bring her to the spiritual point at which she is supposed to operate. With her multiple bodies, different “truths” and various plans of salvation, she has of necessity embraced multiple gods, multiple saviors, multiple spirits and multiple gospels. Each “church” has taken for itself the power to write its own law, as did Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:22). I have discussed at length in earlier series the fact that professing Christendom has accepted the multiple gods, christs and gospels Satan has provided for them.
This series involves the empowering spirits that accompany the many gods, christs and gospels that have infected those who call themselves “the church.” This abominable situation has a long history within professing Christendom. In First John 2:18 the apostle warned that the antichrist was already on the scene at that time, and that he had the help of “many antichrists” whose job is to keep Satan’s church on his track. They do their job very well, deception being the key ingredient used to keep the people satisfied with their religion.
If asked, those in the Catholic/Protestant Religious System would, to a person and without exception, profess that they were at peace with their religion, and that they are sure that their group (faith, church, denomination, etc.) is “THE” true church body. The antichrist spirits living within their respective hearts (minds) continually assure them that they are on the right track, the track that would take them to heaven at the instant of death. Read the series concerning life after death. Key word–After. That series proves Scripturally that the dead do not go immediately to either heaven or hell. Other series expose other myths which “the church” has borrowed from the heathen world. Send for a list of series titles and key words by emailing me at I will not contact you following the delivery of the index. I recently printed my 2700th posting. There are approximately 900 series titles. Each title is listed along with its key word for downloading.
The various spirits that lead those in the various religious denominations, faiths, churches, etc. serve their victims in the same way God’s Holy Spirit serves His true saints. Antichrist spirits (fallen angels–devils, demons) have great power along with the ability to copy the works of God’s Holy Spirit and His angels. It is for this reason that, as I have said numerous times: EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO GOD’S WORD. The only way we can know whether the message we are hearing or the miracle taking place before our eyes is of God is to compare the message of the minister to the Word of God. Read All That Glitters and “I Did Not Send Them” Key words–Glitters and Send respectively. L.J.
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