In Second Corinthians 11:4 the Apostle Paul told the church at Corinth that if someone presented “another Jesus” to them they would embrace him. Unbeknownst to Paul, he was also addressing the modern day church which has embraced a Jesus that is the anthesis of the Biblical Messiah. A Spiritual Truth found throughout the Scriptures is that we become both inwardly and outwardly like the one we worship and serve. For this reason the man Jesus of Nazareth could honestly say, “They who have seen Me have seen the Father. Notice that only 120 or so saw God in Christ. Fewer than that will see Christ in you if you “walk as He walked” as we are commanded to do in First John 2:6.
The original apostles knew this and worked diligently to emulate Christ. The New Testament Church had only just begun when Satan sent in his false prophets who, as the apostles often lamented, turned the people away from the true God and the true Christ and to the false god (Satan) and his false messiah. These false deities are in charge of that which calls itself “the (Catholic/Protestant) church” today. As this website was designed by God to do, it exposes the C/P church system for what it is–counterfeit. A bogus church is an abomination to God.
As the Lord Jesus warned, the devil’s false prophets (“hirelings”–Jn. 10:12,13) did not enter His sheepfold (Church) through the Door (Christ) but “climb up (over the wall) some other way” (Jn. 10:1,9). Such “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mat. 7:15) preach and teach a “perverted” version of the true Gospel that Christ preached and His true apostles continue to preach today. Read Galatians 1:6-9. Recall that many of those in the Corinthian church did indeed embrace “another Jesus” and soon sunk deep into depravity before finally finding their way back to the Lord (1 Cor. ch’s 4,5).
The “itching ear” syndrome that has infected professing Christedom prompts churches to hire those who preach feel-good, “I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re all okay,” “come as you are, stay as you are, Jesus loves you just as you are” garbage that I heard in church 70 plus years ago and continued to hear until God pulled me out, taught me His Word and set me to work teaching it. According to what I am hearing from readers throughout the world, He is still calling out (sanctifying) those whose hearts crave to be filled with His Holy Spirit, to learn His Truth (Jn. 17:17) and to obey it (Biblically called “works”). Only those who do the works of obedience to His Law will join Him in the Kingdom of God. Read James 2:10,14,17,18 20,24,26). Also read Mark 10:17-23. Note that the man would be denied salvation because he broke commandment #12–“one thing.” James 2:10 tells us that to break one commandment is to break the entire Law, making one a worker of INIQUITY–LAWLESSNESS–whom Jesu will reject upon His return (Mat. 7:23).
As Jesus warned His disciples (then and now) in Matthew 7:13,14 and 22:14, though He calls many, few will be chosen for having answered His call. Many of those who hear His call reject it. Instead, they answer Satan’s call to join his softer, more user-pleasing version of Christianity. For proof of Satan’s success within professing Christendom, check any phone book under the heading: CHURCHES–and count. Those in the churches on that list “know” that they are hearing God’s voice and following Him. Recall that Paul also “knew” he was serving God while feeding Christians to the lions. Paul reports that he was spiritually “alive” during those heady days of supposed service to God. He was riding high “until the Law came” (to his attention). Then he “died” (Rom. 7:7). Why? Because he realized that he was a Law-breaker–a sinner (1 Jn. 3:4).
How many church people believe this? Jesus said: “few.” Why? Because their prophets keep them focused on church doctrine and as far away from God’s Truth and people like me as possible. Their hirelings continually tell them that everyone in “the church” is saved, sanctified and rapture-ready–not one word of which is Biblically true. Recall the Apostle Peter’s warning that judgment is on-going in God’s church, and that only the righteous within her will be saved, and they just barely (1 Pet. 4:18). This Truth eliminates so-called “sinners saved by grace.” Read The Message of the Cross. Key word–Message.
Admittedly, I not only believed Satan’s message for many years, I preached it. Like Paul, “I was alive.” But when the Truth was revealed to me, like him, “I died.” I checked our what I was hearing in the Holy Scriptures, found that what I was hearing was Biblically true, and reversed course. I did what God tells every Truth addict to do in Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Read that passage with an open heart, obey its message, then prepare to be rejected by the religious establishment (Catholicism and Protestantism). Recall that Christ, His apostles and His saints were rejected by the religious establishment, as are God’s true believers are today. Jesus warned that if a man obeys Him, the world will hate him. “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). Persecution will come, and it will come from the church. Why does the church reject God’s people? Because darkness hates the light and those who bear it (2 Cor; 6:14/ Jn. 3:20).
Early on in church history Satan’s false prophets entered the church, presented another Jesus who did away with His Father’s Law which, they said, had been “nailed to the cross.” It is true that a law was eliminated. “The law that was added because of transgressions” (sin–the breaking of God’s stone-etched Law–1 Jn. 3:4) was indeed nailed to the cross (Gal. 3:19). This passage referred to Mosses’ “handwriting of ordinances” concerning periodic animal blood sacrifice for sin forgiveness that was designed to serve until the Lord’s Messiah would come to earth and shed his blood for the sins of mankind “once for all” (Heb. 10:10). Jesus made this Truth abundantly clear during the Last Supper.
The “other Jesus” Paul referred to has been embraced hundreds of times. Today each denomination has its own version of God’s Messiah, its own version of His Truth/Gospel/Word, its own version of the “Christian life,” etc. Which brings us back to the second major error Satan’s ministers brought into the church: a “perverted gospel.” As Paul noted in Galatians 1:6-9, this was not really another Gospel, but rather a perversion of God’s true Gospel. When the “protestants” left the Catholic Church they took her perverted Gospel with them, along with the “other Jesus.” When the protestants split into different cults, they each developed their own god, christ, truths, etc. One of those “truths” concerned the Gospel this false christ changed from emphasizing His coming earthly kingdom to emphasizing Christ Himself. This was, and still is, a deadly error that is in direct opposition to Mark 1:14 where it is written that Jesus came preaching THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This was Christ’s Gospel. He sent His disciples (later apostles) to teach the same gospel. Churchman, under Satan’s guidance, changed the focus of the Gospel to Jesus Himself. This improvement, along with many others, persist until this day. Some of them are found on the homepage of this website.
Three deadly errors, along with others, have effectively led billions of people into Satan’s two-headed, multi-bodied church system. Today’s false prophets continue to teach the religious masses to 1) worship and serve “another Jesus,” 2) to reject God’s Law that was supposedly “nailed to the cross” and 3) to reject Christ’s Gospel of the Kingdom that He preached and commanded His apostles to preach. Read the Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. Also read The Mystery of Iniquity, along with Iniquity: The Cause of Man’s Problems. Key words–Mystery and Cause respectively. L.J.
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