In chapter 24 of Matthew’s Gospel we find Jesus telling the apostles what the final three years of this age will be like–literal hell on earth, with the final year being much worse than the preceding 2 1/2 years. In verse 37 we find the Lord referring back to the years leading up to the beginning of the Great Tribulation. He begins by comparing the moral condition of the civilized world over the past 2000 years to the way man lived during the time of Noah. Jesus said that the final era of man’s human existence would be like the era when Noah, “a preacher of righteousness,” was teaching men how to live according to God’s rules. Recall what God said about mankind during those days: “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great on earth and that every thought of his heart was continually on evil” (Gen. 6:5). Because of man’s Satanic ways, the Lord drowned every human being on earth except Noah and his family. Though God vowed that He would never again use water to eradicate mankind, He made no such promise concerning other methods of death. The history of mankind and God’s relentless curses upon him are proof positive that “as a man sows, so shall he also reap,” and that man “sows the wind and reaps the whirlwind.” The subject of this series revolves the effects of man’s sowing and reaping habits. The result of mankind’s infatuation with sin are prophesied by the Scriptures which notes that by the time the Messiah returns to this earth very few people will be alive, and that except for His intervention, humanity would destroy itself.
In verses 37-42 Jesus warns the world that relative to man’s evil nature (actually Satan’s nature that man has embraced), everything will be going on as usual during the years leading up to the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord which will end with His return. The vileness of unregenerate man would be on display during that time. People would be going about business as usual with absolutely no regard for the Lord or His ways. His Law would have been done away with, leaving man to make his own decisions as to how to conduct his life. As was en vogue during the days of Noah, the end-time generation would be found doing what is right in its own eyes (Prov. 21:2). In his quest for self-gratification, man would call good evil and evil good (Isa. 5:20). Jesus said that what was once unthinkable and rejected would be accepted as normal and right by the time the Great Tribulation covered the earth like a sarin-soaked blanket.
The product of this kind of ideology can now be seen on the evening news each day as the forces that once kept crime and other kinds of evil under control are being eroded, and in many cases, done away with. People in authority are looking the other way in terms of what people are doing for themselves and to other people. What would have been stopped in its tracks, or not even mentioned in public a few years ago is now not merely accepted, but is in fact applauded and expected. Anyone who speaks up or moves against it is viewed as worse than the one committing the evil. Much of what was once called evil is not considered a virtue. The thief who stole from his neighbors yesterday has become their hero today, depending on how he is treated when he is caught stealing from them. Today’s evil is tomorrow’s good. Man is indeed doing what seems right in his own eyes while calling evil good and good evil. Adam and Eve would be proud.
Not only are Americans going the way of Satan en masse, their government has invited the rest of the world to join them in their rush toward the Lake of Fire that God has provided for those who rebel against Him. Our government’s open invitation to partake of the nation’s wealth and evilness is clearly symbolized by her open borders which beacon all, regardless of their intent, to come and dine at the nation’s table. What is ours, the world has been told, is theirs. Unlike my ancestors who came to America’s shores legally expecting nothing more than a chance to succeed by their own efforts, today’s “undocumented workers” (criminals) arrive insisting that we owe them a better life. God did not establish this nation to be a flop house for anyone looking for a house in which to flop. Those in power have told them the world’s masses to come here and that the welcome wagon would be out. The “immigrants” are told that the American taxpayer would feed, shelter, clothe, medicate, educate them. They would also transport them to wherever they want to go. Then there is the drug and sex trafficing that those in D.C. choose to ignore. America has reached a new moral and intellectual low. While children in the rest of the world, including her enemies, are learning math and science, American children are being told that they are not what they think they are (male or female), and must be altered mentally and physically to what they actually are. One entire medical facility–Boston Chilrens’ Hospital–advertises that they exist for that reason by publicly stating the exact medical procedures the hospital uses to turn one sex into another. I have seen their ads and they are chilling.
Why is this happening? As I have shown in numerous postings, we have done terrible things to ourselves by refusing to obey the Word of God. This so-called Christian nation has indeed sown the wind and is now reaping the whirlwind God promised He would send if we rebelled against Him. As I have so many times stated, Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 reveal exactly why God is cursing this once blessed nation He created to be His light to the world which would lead those who hunger for Him to Him. In those two precious chapters God makes His rules for mankind very simple: If you obey Me I will bless you. If you disobey Me I will curse you. He can’t make it any more plain than that. And neither can I.
What the inhabitants of this planet do not grasp is that GOD WANTS TO BLESS HIS MOST IMPORTANT CREATION–THEM. He is so intent on blessing human beings that He caused to be written a how-to Book in which we are told not only that He wants to bless us, but what to do in order to receive those promised blessings. And not only does He want to bless us, He gave His Son to a most horrific death so that we could receive His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the power of God needed to resist Satan whose self-appointed job is to entice us to follow his lead and therefore receive God’s curses. He has been supremely successful. Recall that Adam and Eve, when entering the center of the Garden of Eden, found two trees: the forbidden tree and the Tree of Life. They were given the choice of which tree’s fruit they could partake. One tree offered eternal life, the other tree offered eternal death. Today we have the same choice. Let us not make the mistake our original parents made; let us choose life and reject death. THE CHOICE IS OURS. The choices are as clear now as they were in Eden: OBEY GOD AND LIVE; DISOBEY GOD AND DIE. Our eternity is determined by our choice. Let us choose wisely. L.J.
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