There was a time in the Western World when adults were elected to positions of responsibility because they could be depended on to perform their governmental duties in a mature manner. This is no longer the case. Years ago the phrase: “Children should be seen, not heard” reigned supreme in terms of child rearing. Then someone coined the phrase: “Youth must be served.” At that point the behavior of children took a drastic downward turn and has grown progressively worse until today children are both seen and heard, and worse–they are in charge. College presidents are fired because the babies in their institutions are offended by institutional policies. Grown children destroy public and private property because they don’t like someone’s political views. Their immature counterparts in government allow them to get away with such antics in the name of political correctness. Why is this anarchy taking place?
Because God is using them to destroy this nation and other nations. Just as He raised up the Assyrians to defeat, destroy and enslave Israel, and Babylon to defeat, destroy and enslave Judah, He is using babes, both inside and outside of government, to bring down the world’s so-called Christian nations. And the worst is yet to come. The world has not yet seen the beginning of the “beginning of sorrows.” The “Christian West” is dead and will not rise again, having committed spiritual and national suicide by rejecting the God of the Bible. In spite of what social commentators tell us, national salvation will not happen. That ship has sailed and sunk in deep water. Only individually can we saved while the world wallows in the midst of the global chaos that is on the horizon. Race wars, religious wars, political wars, nuclear war–all are in our immediate future. And as in the days of Noah, the world will be oblivious to the global upheaval that is in the making. When the bombs begin to fall and the cities are going up in smoke people will complain that no one warned them. Not so. God has been warning us for thousands of years. A small cadre of intrepid souls are warning them today. But only a minutely few are paying attention. And even fewer believe what they read and hear. Are you one of that remnant? If so, get prepared for unimaginable chaos, anarchy, death and destruction.
Do not look to the church for help. God left long ago and will not return. Only individually is there any hope of spiritual and physical salvation. Only individually will we survive to join Him at His coming. No corporate entity–not family, not the church, not social organizations–will be able to help when the real crunch comes. And it is coming. L.J.
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