The national destruction we see happening in Western Europe, the Persian Gulf and North Africa will soon be taking place in the United States. Long protected by God while He gave her time and opportunity to turn from Satan and to Him, once-great America is beginning to experience what the above-mentioned areas have been suffering through over the past several years. When we see and hear the playground lunacy being played out in our presidential race; when we think about the so-called political leadership we have endured for the past several generations, we can fully understand what is meant by the title of these postings–WE HAVE BEEN AND ARE BEING RULED BY EMOTIONAL CHILDREN. Another, even worse curse will come arrive come next January. But we should not be surprised, for the Lord warned us long ago what would happen if we rejected Him. Though in the following passage God is talking to and about His people anciently, He had His Words recorded because they apply to those who call themselves His people today (1 Cor. 10:11). In Isaiah 3:1-3 God warns that there would come a time when mighty men, judges, counselors and producers would fail to do what they were put on earth to do. Beginning in verse eight He tells us why they and the rest of His people will fall: “because their words and their works are against the Lord.” In verses 4,5 and 12 He tells them then and us today how He will bring those who claim to worship Him to their national knees “… I will give children to be their princes and babes shall rule over them. And the people will be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor. The child shall behave himself proudly against the elderly, and the base against the honorable …. As for My people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead you cause you to err and destroy the way of your path.” Does this not perfectly describe the America of today? And look around the world. Do we not see the same things taking place globally? God is warning us; is anyone listening?
With extremely few exceptions, American politicians are ruthless, power-hungry, self-serving, immature children. And the worst is yet to come. The American people are about to elect the most ruthless, power-hungry, self-serving, immature politician ever to sit in the Oval Office–Hillary Clinton–who, as God warned, will RULE us. I don’t normally wax political on this website, but I will at this point in order to warn not only my fellow Americans, but also those people of the world who read this website–ON NOVEMBER SIXTH THE WORLD’S LEADING NATION WILL COMMIT SUICIDE. And when America falls, the whole world falls–REMEMBER THE GREAT DEPRESSION. When the U.S. went down in 1929 she took the rest of the world with her. But that was child’s play compared to what is coming. Barach Obama merely set the stage for the final collapse of the U.S. and the rest of the world. What he began, Clinton will finish. Over the past seven and one half years we have seen the morality level of the America populace degenerate more than in the previous 200 years combined. Think about the acts of depravity that, over the past few years, have gone from being rejected by the public to being preferred by that same public. With the current administration in the lead, what was unthinkable a decade ago has become commonplace. And with one to three Supreme Court justices to be replaced over the next eight years, no act of depravity will be out of bounds by the time Clinton completes her agenda, which is the total destruction of the United States of America as we know it. But do not blame the devil for this. THIS IS GOD’S DOING. So why is He using liberals to destroy the nation He established and blessed so greatly?
No longer “One Nation Under God,” and having made a mockery of the “In God We Trust” slogan, this nation rejects the One who created her and refuses to hear those He sends to teach her. As has been the case of every nation that rejected Him, the so-called “Christian nations” of the world are on their way down and out. Time-wise they are only slightly behind the rest of the world in terms of God’s wrath. They are all destined for destruction. Having decayed from within, it is just a matter of time until they fall. Like a mansion that is beautiful outwardly but whose frame has rotted, great will be their fall. To be continued. L.J.
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