In the third chapter of the Book of Isaiah we find God warning about the devastating punishment that would soon come upon the Jews–the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi. Why? Because they had rejected His Word, and in so doing, had rejected Him. Reminder: God identifies and equates Himself and His Son with His Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14/Rev. 19:13). The destruction of both houses of Israel came to pass exactly as He prophesied–defeat, destruction and enslavement–and for exactly the same reason–rebellion against His Word. If nothing else comes through on this website, let this truth rest constantly in your mind–GOD’S WORD IS GOD’S WILL. To obey His Word in whole and in part–to fulfill His will–produces eternal life; to disobey His Word in whole or in part–to reject His will–produces eternal death. The opinion of “sinners saved by grace” to the contrary, He allows no other option.
In numerous Scriptures God promises to destroy every human being who, like their ancestors in the Garden of Eden, rejects any part of His Word–even so much as a jot or tittle. To reject even one Word, as is common within professing Christendom, is to accuse Him of lying. This is not a new phenomenon. The Serpent of Eden accused the Lord of lying and his congregation believed the accusation. Those who disobey God’s Word today commit the same sin and for the same reason–the desire for self-rule. The world, including the church world, is filled with modern day Adams and Eves who, like their spiritual ancestors, insist on determining right and wrong for themselves, thereby making themselves their own gods, thereby committing idolatry. Biblical fact: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH IS AN IDOLATROUS INSTITUTION.
One of the curses God promises those who reject His Word involves national destruction brought about by corrupt leadership. He promises to bring about this catastrophe by placing immature people in ruling positions: “… and I will give children to be their princes and BABES SHALL RULE OVER THEM” (Isa. 3:4). The student of the Bible will notice that in the fall of the two houses of Israel a common phenomenon took place prior to each nation’s demise. First Israel (the 10 northern tribes) fell to the Assyrians. Their defeat and enslavement was followed several generations later by the defeat and enslavement of the Jews by the forces of Babylon. Prior to each nation’s downfall there had occurred a spiritual downfall. In every case known to mankind, a nation’s decline and eradication followed the nation’s rejection of the God of the universe in favor of the god of the earth– Satan. The Roman and Greek Empires are prime examples of this unbreakable rule. God has not changed; His rules of engagement have not changed. Without fail, a nation’s social, economic, political and military decline is always preceded by the rejection of the Biblical God following many years of warning and patient longsuffering on His part. Students of Biblical history, social history and current world conditions have noticed certain symptoms that in the past would have indicated the presence of a spiritual disease. Today those symptoms are accepted as normal human behavior. Man, including churchman, now calls good evil and evil good, just as God prophesied would happen. As He predicted, religious man does what is right in his own eyes. Such “normal behavior” is bringing on the wrath of Almighty God as unsuspecting man goes about his daily life. The world is exploding and self-adoring man remains oblivious as he stares into the screen on the box resting in his hand. Over the past several years we have seen the nations of the Persian Gulf and North Africa fall into chaos, death and destruction. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Lybia–heathen societies are falling like dominoes. Contrary to popular opinion, the Biblical God is the swizzle stick that stirs the deadly drink. Why is the God of love leading these nations to their destruction? FOR THEIR REJECTION OF HIM OVER HUNDREDS, SOMETIMES THOUSANDS OF YEARS. So who’s next? That question is being answered by the world’s news media on a daily basis. THE “CHRISTIAN NATIONS” OF THE WESTERN WORLD ARE NOW IN GOD’S CROSSHAIRS–specifically the United States. He is deliberately bringing about their destruction because of THEIR DELIBERATE REJECTION OF HIS WORD. The Lord sees no appreciable difference between the heathen nations of the East and their “Christian” counterparts in the West. However, He will judge those of the West much more harshly than those of the East because THEY CLAIM TO BELIEVE HIS WORD. This is especially true for the United States. Nine eleven, an ever-increasing alien invasion/homegrown terrorism–GOD IS SPEAKING TO THE UNITED STATES. Is anyone listening? To be continued. L.J.
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