In Genesis chapter 48 we find the patriarch Jacob, whom God had renamed “Israel” (power with God) on his death bed foretelling the respective futures of his 12 sons. Afterward, Joseph brings before him his two sons–Ephraim and Manasseh–who, as it turns out, are special to the Lord as their grandfather indicates when he prophesies their future as recorded in verse 16. Here he proclaims a Truth that very few people understand: his name–“Israel”–would be carried by those two boys. Though his 12 sons would be biological Israelites, the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh would, in God’s eyes, be spiritual Israel in the future from that time onward. His name, he said, would be upon them and their descendants. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Today.
The descendants of those two boys would one day fulfil the promise God had made to Abraham as recorded in Genesis 35:11. Here we find Him changing the elderly, childless man that he (his descendants) would become “a (mighty) nation and a company (commonwealth) of nations.” History records that the descendants of Manasseh established the most powerful and successful nation on earth–the United States of America. Ephraim’s descendants would establish the world’s only real commonwealth of nations–the British Empire. Together, these two nations came to dominate the entire world solely because of God’s blessings upon them. The Lord also promised Abraham that one of his descendants would be a blessing to the entire world. His name was Jesus the Christ (anointed One) of God.
As is always the case with the Almighty, there was a caveat (condition) to be met. God told Abraham that those two mighty nations would remain in power only IF they obeyed Him. Which brings us to the subject of this series. In the series concerning the “voices” of God, I explained how God has dealt with America and Britain in the past. The key word for that series is Voices. The Lord warned Abraham that if his descendants stopped obeying Him He would bring about their total destruction. His dealings with the nation of Israel later served as the example of how He is dealing with their descendants today. The Old Testament provides a study guide as to how God has dealt, is dealing, and will deal with modern Israel (the U.S, Britain and the Jews of the Middle East).
Students of the Bible know that the original descendants of Abraham–the nation of Israel–were God’s chosen people whom He established to serve as His light to the Gentile world. The fall of Israel, her defeat, destruction and scattering was punishment for her failure to fulfill His purpose. Her sins, including the sacrificing of her children to heathen gods, had separated her from Him, resulting in her downfall. Today, America and Britain’s obsession with abortion far surpasses that of their Israelite ancestors relative to the slaughter of the innocent. America alone has murdered over 60,000,000 babies created in the image of God. For this reason her destruction will make Israel’s demise pale by comparison.
Though He had scattered the Israelites because of their sins, the Lord did not forget them. Recall in Matthew 10:6 that Jesus sent His 12 apostles to “the (scattered) lost sheep of the house of Israel” to tell them about Him and to call them back to the Father. This is how the Gospel was taken to the Gentile world in which the scattered Israelites were living by that time. It is from the ministry work of the apostles that God’s church was established throughout the world. However, as this website continues to point out, the church has gone the way of her Israelite forefathers. She has turned her back on her creator. The church worships and serves Satan, as do the nations in which she exists–all of them.
It is true that “as goes the church, so goes the nation.” The U.S. and Britain has led all of humanity in sending and taking Bibles to the rest of the world. However, the church failed to obey that Word. Following the church’s lead, the United States and Britain long ago pushed God out of their social, governmental, educational and, most importantly, their spiritual lives. Today, “the church” bears no resemblance to the early church. As a result, God is doing to their host nations exactly what He did to ancient Israel. After many attempts to correct Israel, He brought her to an inglorious end through defeat, destruction, enslavement and global scattering. Before doing so He warned and punished her many times through His “voices.” He is following the same pattern today relative to America, Britain and the Jews of the Middle East. Notice that America and the Jewish nation called “Israel” have become the most hated nations on earth. This global attitude was brought out several years ago by an international poll. Today America is called the “Big Satan” while Israel is known as the “Little Satan.” Notice what is happening around the world relative to the world’s hatred of those two nations. Britian (England) is not far behind and is suffering accordingly, and for the same reason–sin–failure to obey God’s Law (1 Jn. 3:4).
In the Book of Amos God is speaking to (warning) ancient Israel. The message He gave her then He is today sending to her descendants–those nations that carry the name “Israel”–America, Britain and, because from them came the Savior of the world, the Jews of the Middle East. All three nations have rejected the Words of their Creator and have gone their own (Satan’s) way. In order to fully understand God’s attitude toward His wayward children, we will study segments of the Book of Amos. Let us now turn to that small, yet powerful book and begin our study. Prepare yourself, for the picture He paints is not a pretty one. It should serve as a wake-up call to those who are content in their standing with God while refusing to obey His Law. SATAN CAN PROVIDE FALSE PEACE.
God’s anger toward modern day Israel becomes evident by watching the news. Using our ancient ancestors as our example, the future does not look promising for Israel. As I have said over the past several years, I believe that the Lord will “pass by” us one more time and give us an opportunity to return to Him. I believe that Donald Trump will be elected and will put the nation back on the economic, political and military track. However, if we do not get back on God’s Gospel track it will all be in vain.
I believe that, though there may be “revival” in the nation, it will be simply more of what has placed us in the mess we are in today–God-rejecting, Satan-worshiping, self-designating Christianity. In the final analysis, I believe that the United States, Britain and the Jews of Israel will be destroyed and erased as nations, and soon. Only as individuals can we be saved from the destruction and death that is coming.
In Amos 1:1 the prophet is writing under heavy stress as he warns his fellow Israelites about God’s anger toward them, the reason for His anger, and what will be the end result of His anger if they do not get their spiritual house in order, return to Him and obey Him. In verse one he describes what he is about to write to and about them as his “burden.” To set the stage for what was about to come upon Israel, God would send her an earthquake two years later. Notice that Amos calls it THE earthquake, not an earthquake. What better way to announce the beginning of national punishment than to shake the earth? THE quake was God’s message to Israel.
Several years ago Los Angeles, California suffered a tremendous shaking accompanied by massive destruction. A quote that was read throughout the nation was that of a little girl who asked her mother: “Why is God mad at us?” I remember thinking that this child understood what few others did. God was angry with the people of that spiritually decadent cesspool and was sending her a powerful message. The Book of Amos is God’s messages to those who call themselves His people but refuse to obey Him. Let us return there.
In 1:2 the prophet tells Israel that the Lord will roar out of Zion (Israel) and will bellow His Voice out of Jerusalem. His “voice” would rattle the nerves of shepherds and cause everyone to mourn. Even the top of Mt. Carmel would vibrate. Beginning in verse three the Lord Himself speaks, reminding the Israelites of the various cities and nations that had offended Him in the past and what He had done to them in His anger. He had brought death and destruction to Damascus, Hazael, Eden, Syria, Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, the Philistines, Tyrus, Teman, Bozrah, Ammon, Moab, Kirioth and Babbah because of their sins. In 2:4-8 He reminds the Israelites of their sins by which they “profane My Holy Name” by paying homage to their (heathen) god. In verses 9-12 He reminds them of how He saved their ancestors from various enemies while bringing them out of Egyptian slavery. He had also given them prophets to lead them in His ways, only to have them (the people) corrupt them (the prophets). In verse 13 He tells them that He is tired of carrying them and saving them from themselves. In verses 14-16 He warns them that a time would come when Israel, once the most powerful nation on earth, would be helpless before their enemies. Today America is bringing a butter knife to a gunfight in her war against Iran. If I am right, Donald Trump will bring that nonsense to an end.
In chapter three beginning with verse eight Amos warns Israel that “the Lion has roared; the Lord has spoken” and that he (Amos) has no choice but to prophesy–to warn them of what was coming upon them. Then the Lord Himself speaks again. From 3:9 to 5:20 He reminds the people of their sins. Then in 5:21 He expresses His attitude toward them. As He tells them what He HATES about their religious activities, be aware that these are activities that He had earlier commanded them to do. He has commanded them to do all of the things which He now HATES. The question is, why does He condemn the very acts he commanded them to perform. From 5:21 to 27 we find the main lesson being taught by this posting. Read that passage carefully. The lesson being taught is that NO AMOUNT OF RELIGIOSITY OR CHURCHIVITY WILL SUBSTITUTE FOR OBEDINCE TO GOD’S LAW. Without obedience, nothing one can do, including giving up oneself for martyrdom, has any effect on his/her relationship with God. He is sending the same message to the church today. This explains why church prayers are not answered. He has turned her heaven into iron. HE DOES NOT HEAR CHURCH PRAYERS, NOR DOES HE APPROVE OF HER RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES.
Note that, beginning with verse 21, the Lord states that HE HATES EVERYTHING ISRAEL WAS DOING IN HIS NAME BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO OBEY HIM. He is telling us today that HE HATES EVERYTHING CHURCH PEOPLE DO IN HIS NAME FOR THE SAME REASON. He is the Lord, He does not change (Mal. 3:6). He tells us in Matthew 15:9 that, due to her individual and corporate sins (breaking of the Law –1 Jn. 2:6), Christendom’s worship of Him is all in vain in that it pleases only the church itself. No matter how many times a cow paddy is call a steak, IT IS STILL POOP, which defines God’s attitude toward church activities.
As a reminder of how much God hates rebellion toward His Word/Law/Truth/Gospel, read Luke 10:16 and First John 3:1-10. Then read Psalm 5:5. L.J.
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