Before delving into the letter written by Amos to the Children of ancient Israel and the modern day religious entity that calls itself “the church” (her spiritual descendants known as the Israel of God–Gal. 6:16), we will take a quick look at His description of the Catholic/Protestant Religious System at the present time as the world moves into its final (Laodicean) era. In Revelation 3:14-18 Jesus describes this Satan-dominated end-time “church” using some of the harshest words found in the Holy Scriptures. He warns the two-headed, multi-bodied religious beast that, though she sees herself as the sparkle in His eye, she instead reflects to the world the darkness in Satan’s heart. Though she envisions herself as the Lord’s light to the world, she is in His view: “… WRETCHED, MISERABLE, POOR, BLIND AND NAKED.”
At this point I recommend to those who have not read Who and Where is Israel Today? Key word–Where, that they carefully read that very important series. Though I will briefly summarize that series before moving on, I recommend reading it in order to better understand to whom God was speaking in the Book of Amos. Simply put, everything God wrote in His Holy Scriptures was written to, for and about both ancient and modern Israel. What He earlier wrote to the 10 northern tribes called “Israel” through His prophets also applies to their physical and spiritual descendants who form the democratic nations of northwestern Europe, Britain and the United States of America. Again, if you have not read the recommended series, I strongly suggest that you do so before proceeding with this study.
In reference to the previous paragraph, God’s Word must be understood in its DUAL APPLICATION, meaning that what was written to ancient Israel also applies to modern Israel. The New Testament term “Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16) refers to the church whose people are referred to as God’s “new creations”–His true saints in His New Testament Church. This is the “Church of God” He refers to a dozen times in the New Testament. This church is comprised of God’s true, Law-keeping, Very Elect saints in whom He lives in the form of His Holy Spirit. However, as I explain in other series, His church also includes those whom I collectively call “the counterfeit church.” Read “My People Called by My Name” and Who are God’s People? Key words–Who and People respectively.
It is important to note that the Biblical Church of God church is not to be confused with the religious group that calls itself by that name today. Nor does it refer to the hundreds of religious bodies collectively known as “the church,” which is an abomination unto Him because, individually and collectively, she has embraced heathen principles and customs and worships and serves their gods.
As this ministry was created by the Lord to do, I warn all within Satan’s counterfeit church system (“the church”) that they are, as the Lord makes clear through the Prophet Amos, false servants of God and true servants of Satan. I know what I am talking about, for I spent most of my life in the belly of that spiritually dead beast, even becoming one its spokesmen for a time. I thank the true God that He knew that I sought Truth above all things. He was gracious enough to teach me His Truth (Word, Law, Gospel) and called me out of Satan’s religious wilderness and into His one and only church. Now on to what He said to the ancient Israelites and her modern-day descendants commonly known as “Christians.” Sadly, 99% of those within that group are Christians in name only as the referenced series prove.
This ministry is directed toward the billions-strong counterfeit church system whose eyes Satan has blinded so that they cannot come to the light of the true God, be converted and, upon His return, inherit eternal life. It is these deceived souls to whom Jesus was referring in Matthew 7:13,14. Their leaders are those He warns us about in Matthew 24:4,5. It is to both leaders and laity that He speaks in Luke 6:46 and Matthew 15:7-9. Here He is speaking to those whom He calls “hypocrites” who worship Him “in vain” by “honoring Him with their mouths” while “teaching the commandments of men” (see the home page of this website for some examples of such church “truths”). To those in “the church” He will say on Judgment Day: “I never knew you, depart from me you who work iniquity (Gr.–Lawlessness)–Mat. 7:23.
God condemns those whom He calls “vain hypocrites” who make their own commandments, who formulate their own definitions of good and evil, who wear crosses and carry Bibles into Satan’s sanctuaries of sin on the day sun worshipers pay homage to their god–Sunday–“the venerable (holy) day of the sun.” Jesus states that He will deny knowing them when they stand before Him and remind Him of all the wonderful things they had done in His name (Mat. 7:22,23). Question: what is it that those in ancient Israel did and those in today’s Laodicean church system continue to do that angers Christ so deeply? Answer: THEY LOVE NEITHER HIM NOR HIS FATHER. How does He identify those who do not love Him? He identifies them as those who REFUSE TO OBEY THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAW. Rather than take my word for that Truth, let God’s Messiah tell us in His own words.
In John 8:31 He is speaking to the disciples whom God had given Him (Jn. 17:9,11,24), saying: “IF you are My disciples indeed, OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS.” These are the commandments which He, as the Word–the God of the Old Testament (Jn. 1:1-4,14)–gave to ancient Israel from atop Mt. Sinai. Let us examine a few of His other comments relative to those who would join Him in paradise. In John 14:15,23 He says to those of us who call ourselves His people that we must prove our love for Him by keeping His commandments (vs 15) which He also calls His words in verse 23. If He said it, it is a commandment, not a suggestion, not an option.
Having proven our love for Father and Son, then will God love us with that special love which only Law-keepers receive from Him. Then and only then will and He and His Son make Their abode with us. In Matthew 19:17 He says to His disciples/apostles then and now: “IF YOU WOULD RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE, OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS”–THE TEN COMMANDMENT LAW–which includes commandment #4–His Sabbath commandment, NOT SATAN’S SUN HONORING SABBATH KNOWN AS “SUNDAY.” Read the series concerning God’s Sabbath. Key word–Sabbath. James warns that if we break one commandment, we break all ten commandments–making us “workers of iniquity” (Lawlessness) whom Jesus will reject. The Law that man claims was nailed to Christ’s cross is the same Law Jesus came to “magnify and make honorable” (Isa. 42:21). It is the same Law that the Apostle Paul calls “holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12), the same Law that defines sin and righteousness (1 Jn. 3:4)–sin if we break it, righteousness if we obey it. Sin (disobeying the Law) separates us from God (Isa. 59:2). We cannot “walk together with Him” (Amos 3:3) or “walk as Jesus walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) if we are separated from Him. Instead, such separation makes us low-hanging fruit for Satan and his fallen angels. For proof, look in any telephone book under CHURCHES, and count. Not one of them will be God’s true church. If, that is, we can take Him at His Word.
God poured out His wrath on ancient Israel because she refused to obey His Law. Today He is doing the same to Israel’s descendants–primarily America–for the same reason. As I have opined before on several occasions, America is following in the spiritual footsteps of her ancient Israelite ancestors. As did her elders each time God saved them from being destroyed, America will soon experience a short period of religious zeal known as a “revival.” Soon afterward the fire will go out and she will return to religious business as usual. Soon after that she will be defeated and the few who survive (one third of her current population) will be enslaved and scattered among her conquers. As went ancient Israel, so goes modern Israel comprised of the so-called “Christian nations” of northwest Europe, Britain and the United States of America.
Led by “the church,” God’s one-time “city on a hill” has gone the way of her Israelite ancestors. Following their religious pattern, America, the “Nation Under God,” remains outwardly alive while suffering internal death. For this reason God commands Truth seekers to come out of that “unclean thing” which I call the Catholic/Protestant Religious System (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). As the Apostle Paul reminds us in that passage, we cannot walk with God while practicing Satan’s religion. In order to walk with Him, WE MUST BE IN AGREEMENT WITH HIM (Amos 3:3). So-called “sinners saved by grace” who fill Laodicean church pews each sun god day claim to walk with God while disobeying His Law. For this reason he characterizes them as “wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.” There will be no WMPBN people in God’s soon-coming earthly kingdom. Read The Kingdom of God, God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe and The Three Resurrections. Key words–Kingdom, Caretakers and Three respectively. L.J.
and obey Him. L.J.
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