In Deuteronomy 28:28 the Almighty warned those who are called by His name that, if they did not continue to strictly obey His Law, He would afflict them with a variety of mental problems. Though not spelled out in this passage, God’s absence from the hearts of people enables Satan to unleash upon a society his demonic spirits that cause mental instability in those in whom they enter. These fallen angels take over the minds (hearts) of the people who then do their will, many of whom are church people. These people then convince others in church circles that they are following the Biblical God as they openly defy His written commands. The demons maintain control of their captives by keeping them ignorant of God’s “fine print Truths.”
This is what has happened to the so-called Christian nation called America. Her individual and national sins have caused her to become CINO–Christian In Name Only. Following in the moral footsteps of her ancient Israelite ancestors, America has been intermittently blessed and cursed until she has come to a point where her curses far outnumber her blessings. Her people, led by her churches, have wandered ever farther away from their Maker. When rainbow flags fly in front of church buildings, when abortion proponents, prostitutes and thieves wear crosses around their necks, when the beliefs of heathenism replace the Word of God …, the writing is on the wall–the nation is on Satan’s slippery slope which leads into his deadly abyss. And America is picking up speed as she streaks toward the light in the distance which is the Lake of Fire. That is the direction America has chosen to go. Let us search the Holy Scriptures to determine how this observable truth came about. God has the answer to every question. In order to right the ship of state her crew must be willing to accept the answers her Captain provides and follow His lead.
In Romans 1:28 the Apostle Paul is writing to the Gentile church in Rome about how the nation of Israel had fallen from her great, God-appointed spiritual height. In his letter the apostle is warning all of professing Christendom about following in her ancestors’ footsteps which led to their spiritual downfall: “And even as they (Israel) DID NOT RETAIN GOD in their knowledge, GOD GAVE THEM OVER TO A REPROBATE MIND, TO DO THOSE THINGS THAT ARE UNHOLY.”
Contrary to church opinion, man is not born with Adam’s sin genes in his spiritual dna. Read Original Sin. Key word–Original. Notice in Paul’s statement that God GAVE THEM OVER to a sin-seeking mind. These people had KNOWN GOD, had rejected Him, which automatically opened them up to Satan’s religion. As a result, their hearts had BEEN DARKENED (vs 21). Note in verse 18 that these people had “held the Truth” of God–His Word (Jn. 17:17). Note in verse 26 that He “GAVE THEM UP” to sin. Remember verse 28–they did NOT RETAIN God in their minds. One cannot retain what one does not know. In verse 32 Paul says that these reprobate people KNEW THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD AGAINST SINNERS. These people had a history with God, had at one time worshiped Him and served Him and had been blessed by Him, but had fallen away from Him. As an aside, notice the FIRST thing they did when He gave them over to their own wills–they became homosexuals and lesbians (vss 26,27).
In verses 29-31 Paul shows that once sin takes over a man’s mind, there is no limit to the depths he can go. Sinfully speaking, nothing is off the table. For proof that man is capable of anything, consider the following. Reprobate man has followed in Adam and Eve’s footsteps by becoming his own god. Only God can determine right and wrong–what is holy and evil. Man-god has determined that God’s seventh day Sabbath, the day He calls “My holy day (Isa. 58:13),” the day He “blessed” and “sanctified” (Gen. 2:2,3) is no longer important. Religious man-god has determined that Satan’s sun god day (the day of the sun–Sunday) is a better Sabbath. Some man-gods declare that any day of the week is okay. Reprobate man disregards God’s Holy Sabbath. However, God does not. Read the series dealing with God’s Sabbath. Key word–Sabbath. That is only one of churchman’s deliberate sins against God.
As the Introduction to this website explains, reprobate churchman disregards many of God’s Truths, choosing rather the doctrines and practices borrowed from Babylonian mystery religions which the Lord calls “doctrines of devils.” He labels them thus because Satan’s fallen angels place those church “truths” in the minds of those who reject God’s Law. I once told two sisters that they could not be God’s people and continue to have sex with their boyfriends. They did not appreciate my words. They informed me that they would take the word of their pastor who had told them the opposite. I have no doubt that he was partaking of their sexual favors. Their mother had heard me on the radio. Aware of their sexual activities, she had advised them to talk with me. Having done so, they did not return. There is a popular preacher on the internet who tells his congregants that Jesus wants them to sin because sin makes people happy. Jesus, he tells them, died so that they can be happy. I made up a ditty to express religious man’s attitude toward sin and Christ’s part in it: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” Billions have believed this over the past 2000 years. I have been told this church “truth” to my face–BY ORDAINED MINISTERS. They believe that JESUS DIED SO THAT THEY COULD SIN AND GET AWAY WITH IT. Satan smiles as he sends his false prophets into thousands of pulpits on his weekly sun-god-worshiping sabbath to preach his reprobate messages to his parishioners.
And what happens when someone hears me speak or reads my messages? You need not guess. Religious peoples’ minds have been conquered by Satan’s fallen angels. Assured that Jesus forgives their sins as quickly as they can repent of them, all is well. One female preacher tells her followers that He forgives even BEFORE they commit their inevitable sins. What’s not to like about that deal? Is it any wonder that so-called Christianity is the world’s largest religion?
As First Kings 8:38 tells us, man does not know, nor will he entertain the possibility that he could possibly be wrong. Man does not know “the plague of his own heart.” Proverbs 23:7 tells us: “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” As Genesis 6:5 tells us, the mind of (unregenerate) man is on evil continually. I read a study about the massive number of men who watch pornography each day and for how many hours. Admittedly, I was surprised, and that takes some doing.
We do not need to ask why people sin. Sin is the natural and inevitable outcome when people reject the Law of God and become their own lawmakers., which is idolatry which God’s first commandment prohibits. Man makes his own commandments and follows them, at least when it’s convenient. He is his own god and loves only himself. Jesus said to those who followed Him, “If you love Me, keep My commandments”–His Words (Jn. 14:15,23). He also said that the only way to abide in His love is to keep God’s commandments, just as He (Jesus) abode in God’s love BY keeping His Commandments (Jn. 15:10/ 1 Jn. 2:5). Man, including churchman, refuses to love God and Christ enough to obey their Law. Unlike Jesus, unconverted man does not feel the need to obey the Father. Why do the most religious among us believe such Satanic claptrap? Because man does not believe God’s Word, thereby making himself low-hanging fruit to be picked by Satan’s fallen angels. Keep this command of God always in mind: “Be ye holy, for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). There is only one alternative to holiness–sin, the wages of which is death. Obedience is the only way to enter into His eternal kingdom. As Romans 5:21 and 6:22 tell us, the END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE. Jesus said that he who ENDURES TO THE END (IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS) WILL (THEN) BE SAVED” (Mat. 10:22). L.J.
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