One of the curses God promised to place on those who profess Him as their God, but refuse to obey His Law, concerns the mind. Students of history know that, beginning anciently and extending into modern times, is the fact that nations tend to take on the mental and moral characteristics of their leaders. And in that nations which elect their leaders elect those who best reflect the attitudes of the majority of voters, it stands to reason that those nations and their leaders tend to be of the same mind-set. If not, the people soon take on the mind-set of their officials. Good examples of this phenomenon were the Israelites under King David’s rule in which he and the nation obeyed the Law of God and prospered spiritually. Then came the rulership of his son Solomon who led the nation into a level of idolatry unsurpassed in human history, highlighted by the sacrifice of children by the thousands. Later, under the unquestioned leadership of her popes, the Catholic Church carried out the Inquisition during which some 50,000,000 people were martyred under the direction of church leaders. In modern times Germany under Adolf Hitler, Russia under Josef Stalin, China under Mao tse Tung, Cambodia under Pol Pot and Cuba under Fidel Castro proved that a society’s members and their leaders come to reflect each other’s thinking. Each of those nations slaughtered millions of innocent people because they did not agree with the majority. Surpassed only by blasphemy against God’s Holy Spirit is the mass murder of innocent children.
Since 1973 America has assumed a “killer elite” status relative to the unborn. Under the leadership of liberal politicians, hundreds of millions of abortions have taken place world-wide, many of them financed by American tax payers. Under the leadership of Joe Biden America stands out for her abortion obsession and her rejection of the Lord who created those they kill. As a high ranking official recently remarked: “Jesus has no place in the Democratic Party.” That party’s words and actions back up what he said. What God calls right, millions call wrong. As a result, the nation is rushing ever deeper into the moral sewer created by her God-rejecting leaders, most of whom are professing Christians. Which brings us to the subject of this posting–the mental decay exhibited by large numbers of American citizens who are being led into Satan’s religious sewer by people in positions of power and influence. The man who asked the question that became the title to this series (“America, What happened to you?”) followed up his question with a statement that would solve the problem he identified with his question. With a loud voice he yelled: “Return to Jesus!!” Indeed.
Being a student of history, human nature and the Holy Scriptures, I was convinced that nothing could shock me. And that was true–until recently. Having committed more than my share of sins, I thought I was immune. However, over the past several years I have been repeatedly shocked by not only what is happening in my beloved nation, as well as the speed at which her moral decline has taken place. Equally shocking is has been the reaction–or lack thereof–of those with the power to stop the lunacy unfolding daily on our city streets. But it all makes sense when one remembers what God said in Deuteronomy 28 and other places in His Holy Scriptures. concerning His reaction to being rejected, which is exactly what has “happened to America,” which is a self-inflicted wound. The Lord and His Gospel have been pushed out of America’s public discourse, out of her government, out of her education systems and out of her churches. The result of this phenomenon appears each evening on those few news outlets that will dare show or tell the truth.
In Isaiah 59:2 the Almighty proclaims that sin separates the individual from his/her Maker. This Truth explains what is taking place in the nation established by God to be His light to the world. When she began to zealously resist everything Biblical during the 1960’s, the Lord responded by allowing her to go her own way. Her drift away from Him came slowly at first, then in a headlong rush to see how far she could go in the shortest amount of time. Satan quickly filled the spiritual void created by the separation.
Sin takes place in the heart (mind)–James 1:14-16. What happens afterward is the result of the sin that has already occurred in the mind (Mat. 5:27,28), resulting in two sins. As God tells us in Deuteronomy 28, the mind is one of the areas that God said He would curse if people refused to obey Him. Sin begets sin. In that everything we think, say and do begins in the mind, mental sin ignites a firestorm of sin in the mind of the apostate. For example, in verses 20 and 28 we are told that the Lord will afflict a rebellious nation with mass mental confusion and madness. What else could explain the Satanic lunacy seen and heard on a daily basis in both the religious and secular realms. Everyone with access to an honest news media outlet is familiar with the craziness that has taken over the minds of millions of Americans. Bible students also know why this is taking place–THE GOD OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES IS DELIVERING ON HIS PROMISE. HE IS ALLOWING SATAN FULL REIGN OVER A SOCIETY THAT HAS TURNED ITS BACK ON HIM.
If I, and others more learned than I, are right, God is giving America one last chance to follow the afore-mentioned man’s advice: to “Return to Jesus.” As I have been predicting for over two years, the Lord is now exposing the wickedness within our government, our society and our churches. I believe that over the next two years He will expose to the entire world everyone who has been involved in the moral, social, economic and military destruction of this nation. I believe that the Biden crime family, the Democratic Party, their media propagandists and those who voted them into power will be exposed for who and what they are–America-hating, Satan-worshiping reprobates. These people are responsible for the assassination of hundreds of millions of innocent children created in the image of Almighty God. Abortion alone is enough to condemn them. Read Abortion: God’s Word on the Subject. But let it be known, the Left’s sins extend far beyond that. L.J.
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