Because America, also known as “New Israel “among her earliest arrivals who understood their ancestry, was at one time God’s modern day “light in a world of darkness.” America was to fulfill God’s commission for ancient Israel which she (Israel) had failed to complete. America was “World Light Two” so to speak. For a while the “New World” did shine relative to the rest of mankind. She has, in the past, done more good for more people than any other nation in man’s history. For many years the world looked to her as not only its economic and military model, but also its moral compass whose virtue was the talk of the planet. Around the world, anything produced by America was proudly displayed by its owner. America and God were spiritually linked in the minds of most of the world’s people as the writing on her money proclaimed. Everyone knew that the writing was true. In the eyes of the world, AMERICA AND GOD WERE JOINED AT THE HEART.
But no more. Today she is the laughing stock of the world. She is the joke everyone likes to tell. Why? DYSFUNCTION, DEGREDATION, CORRUPTION, CHAOS, GODLESSNESS, HATE, CHEATING, LYING, MURDER, THEFT, ARSON, LAWLESSNESS, DISRESPECT FOR AUTHORITY, SEXUAL DEVIANCE, ETC., ETC., ETC. In other words, America has become the exact opposite of what she was designed to be and what she once was–to a point. Let us be clear, this great nation has never had a Bible-defined Christian in public office on any level. She has had thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of church-defined Christians in leadership positions, but she has never had a God-defined saint at the helm locally, state wide or nationally. Though there have been many honest, moral people in political leadership positions, sin has been the consistent, unwavering characteristic that has connected generation after generation of not only those in American leadership, but among her citizenry as well. Yet the Almighty blessed and protected her because of His promise to her spiritual father Abraham. America was originally populated by the descendants of Abraham’s descendant Manasseh, the son of Joseph, the son of Jacob, whom God renamed Israel, meaning “power with God.” But let us remember that God promised that his descendants would create a “great nation.” History reveals that America was the fulfillment of that promise. But the Lord also said that He would hold her accountable for her conduct, that if she turned away from Him He would destroy her. The wages of sin, we are reminded by the Apostle Paul, is death. This is true of both individuals and nations. Read Who and Where is Israel Today. Key word–Today
As did ancient Israel, New Israel began with the promise of glory. However, as did her ancient ancestors, America began to descend into darkness and, once on that slippery slope, has advanced downward with ever-increasing speed until this moment. There is every indication that her speed will only increase. As I stated in an earlier series, America began her dive into Satan’s spiritual sewer following the Industrial Revolution. Soon thereafter history shows her staggering out of one catastrophe and into another, as God had to repeatedly cursed her with wars, economic disasters, natural disasters, economic disasters, medical disasters, etc. The Holy Scriptures reveal that this is exactly what He did to the Israelites of old. And it is exactly what He promised to do in the latter days of the world if church people refused to believe and obey Him. Read Leviticus 26 and Matthew 24:4-8. Be reminded that God sent both messages to those who called themselves His people.
Everything began to change when the light in the darkness began to absorb, embrace and reflect the darkness around her. Today crime fills the streets of liberal run cities as their elected officials refuse to stop it and will not allow their police to do so. Her southern border is overrun by people who automatically become criminals upon stepping onto her land. She then rolls out the welcome wagon and feeds, clothes, houses, medicates, educates and transports these new criminals throughout the nation at taxpayer expense while protecting them from prosecution for breaking her laws. Liberal officials welcome sex trafficers, slave trafficers and drug trafficers with open arms. Her present communist-wannabe administration proudly spends billions of dollars to guard the borders of numerous Middle Eastern and Asian countries but will do nothing to stop the invading hoards from overrunning this nation. America–the abortion queen of nations–murders tens of millions of her own unborn children while financing the slaughter of millions more throughout the world. Her president and his comrades lie with every breath while their media puppets proclaim the truth of those lies while explaining that the reality we are living is nothing more than our imagination. I will not belabor the obvious chaos America finds herself in, but I will advise the reader to watch and listen to Fox News if at all possible. Nowhere else will you see and hear the truth concerning the colossal moral, social, political, economic, military mess the Left has deliberately drawn the nation into, beginning with the Obama administration. Remember, God builds nations and destroys nations and places at their heads the “worst of men” (Dan. 4:17). In other words, America the vile is receiving what she deserves. This breaks the hearts of those who love her for what she was created to be–God’s light and hope for the world.
America the Beautiful is no more. America the ugly has taken her place, led by the Satan-serving, God-rejecting Catholic/Protestant Church System. Only the One Who has cursed her for her rebellion can heal her of her spiritual infirmities. I believe He will do so in the near future. Then, as He told Israel before He sent her into slavery in Assyria, “I will pass by (help) you no more.” I believe that He will pass by us once more over the next four-to-six years. If He does come to America’s rescue, how long will she allow Him to shine His light on her before she once again turns to Satan? If her ancient ancestors and her current condition are any indication, not long.
Because of America’s dramatic decent into the moral sewer in which she now finds herself, the world sees this once great nation as a joke, a very bad joke. Because of the current administration, and I use that word loosely, other nations will have nothing to do with her. No one has a good word for her. No one speaks about her in positive terms, except when they want American tax dollars. No one fears this once mighty nation. Her word is worthless on the international stage. Even North Korea and France talk about going to war with her. Her president spends much of his time on his knees kissing the behinds of her enemies while begging them to bail him out of the quagmire he created. One Australian leader is on record as saying that the American president “couldn’t find his way home after dark.” And that is a quote FROM ONE OF OUR BEST FRIENDS.
We must ask ourselves why God has cursed the once-great United States of America by placing her under the boot of this current communist wannabe administration. Having asked the question, we must look to God, not man, for the answer. As an age-old comic strip character once said about his and his fellows’ situation: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” This, my dear readers, should be our national mantra. Thank you for allowing me to vent my frustration and sadness that has gradually built up in me over the past few years. I am not angry about WHAT God is doing to us with this administration. I am enraged because I know WHY He is cursing us. America is a self-inflicted wound that is decaying from within. As individuals you must “Save yourself from this evil generation” (Acts 2:42). L.J.
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