When a civilization, even one that was established for the purpose of taking God’s Truth to the rest of the world, departs from Him, it will quickly embrace another god, or gods in order to fill the void created by the absence of the true God. As noted in the previous posting, America has followed in the footsteps of her ancient ancestors and has become pantheistic. America has many gods (false religion, sports, entertainment, etc.) and many venues in which she worships those gods (churches, stadiums, movies, television, the internet, etc.) By devoting their free time to these idols, salvation seekers repeatedly break the true God’s first and most important commandment–“You will have no other gods before (beside) Me.” When God is pushed out, anything and everything becomes a god. Jesus warned His followers that one who values his own children over Him is not worthy of Him (Mat. 10:37,38). Unfortunately, when one leaves the church and follows Christ, one’s family will in most cases will remain behind. One cannot allow this truth to hold him back from obeying God. Though the journey to God’s kingdom is painful in that regard, the reward will make the sacrifice worthwhile.
A good way to identify one’s false god(s) involves one’s free time, specifically, how one spends it. By doing the math our gods are plainly revealed. A question we should ask ourselves is this: which is more important to me: my favorite t.v. program or an hour with God in the study of His Word? Which is more important, my favorite music on the way to and from work, or God’s Word coming from the speakers? Which is more important, the game on Sunday afternoon or …. The answer to these types of questions will determine where we will spend eternity: with God and Christ in paradise, or as ash beneath the feet of those who chose Them over Satan’s offerings. Those are one’s only options. We have a few short years in which to qualify for entrance into the Kingdom of God. The sin option is too terrible to contemplate. The choice depends on the identity of our God. One God commands obedience to His Law; the other god commands obedience to his counterfeit law, which is to do what one wants to do. One’s deity is either the God of the universe or the god of this world. With extremely few exceptions, America, along with the rest of the world, has chosen the latter and is serving him with zeal.
OUR GOD IS THE ONE WITH WHOM WE DESIRE TO SPEND OUR FREE TIME. America as a nation has many gods; with few exceptions, the Biblical God is not one of them. However, He is not totally ignored. He is allotted two hours on Satan’s Sabbath during which his prophets preach and teach his perverted version of God’s Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). However, in the case of the more religious, the Biblical God might be acknowledged at the end of the day by the reading of a chapter in His Holy Word followed by a short prayer. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what the “Christian world” calls “Christianity.” God calls that world and its religions “abominations.” He warned: “Do not learn the ways of the heathen,” for “the ways of the wicked are abominations” unto Him (Jer. 10:2/Prov. 15:9). For a short list of such heathen/wicked abominations read the introduction to this website on its homepage.
Because America has departed from the true God, she has become permeated with false gods and idols that are worshiped and served. with vigor. As a result America has become carnal and base. Self has replaced God as the center of life. Worship of God has been replaced by the worship of money, self-indulgence and pride. Belief in God’s Word has been trumped by belief in whatever appeals to one’s ego. The Gospel of God has been replaced by the gospel of whatever appeals to the public, namely success and materialism. The nation that at one time was a light to the world has become the distribution center for earth-flooding anti-God morality and false gospels designed to fill the spiritual void created by the exit of the living God. Through it all, from beginning to the present, one Satanic factor has stood out above all the rest–SEX.
Anciently, the Israelites lived next to various heathen societies whom they were sent God’s Light. Many of those societies had within their covey of gods, a female goddess of sexuality–a heavenly whore whose calling cards, along with names, differed slightly depending on which society one happened to be referring to. Known by such names as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Aphrodite, Diana and Ishtar (known in the West as Easter), these sex-obsessed goddesses directed their followers to follow their lead. As a result the respective groups found themselves addicted to sex which, without fail, evolved into sexual deviance.
Today minds of the world’s people have been sexualized as never before. As a result, the world is rapidly becoming sex crazed. Pornography has become a source of addiction, so much so that one can hardly view anything socially that does not put forth a sexual message. Even children’s television programs are following the trend by pushing homosexuality and transsexual behavior. The “f” word is now thrown around with “so what?” abandon. So many sexual deviations are now en vogue that letters have replaced words to described them. New terms are being coined as you read this posting. As a result, pornographic images and words now fill the vision and the airwaves of the supposed “One Nation Under God.” It is true that America is one nation, and that she is under the governance of one god. The problem is that the governing god is the god of this world who has deceived the world into worshiping and obeying him (Rev. 12:9). An equally damning problem is that billions of those worshipers believe they are worshiping and serving the Biblical God. NEVER DOUBT THE POWER OF SATAN OVER THE CHURCH.
Another, and equally disturbing problem that comes to fore in a God-rejecting society involves the concept of reality. Along with the creation of many gods comes the creation of many realities. As man becomes his own personal god, he takes on the role of reality determiner. This is seen in the number of variations of reality that have become popular in the American society. Males become females and visa versa has become old hat. A newer reality involves humans becoming animals, birds, etc. No longer are we satisfied with talking about mermaids. Now one can become a mermaid, or, as in the case of a Japanese man who is gaining in global popularity–a dog. Recently there has been a splurge of children becoming fairy-tail beings from another world. Just this morning I read about people who, with a thought, become disabled and in need of crutches, wheelchairs, etc. “Be all you can be” has taken on a new meaning.
The striking thing about these new realities is that they all come from the mind and therefore never have to progress any further. The mind of man has become so much more powerful than the mind of God that one is “I am” whatever one wants to be. Jesus Christ, the Old Testament God who came to earth as the carpenter from Nazareth, declared Himself to be “I am” (Exo. 3:14/Jn. 8:58).
Man, in his quest for self-determination, has declared himself to be “I am,” which amounts to idolatry–the worship of self. By turning away from God, man has turned away from Truth which God proclaims in His Holy Word concerning His creation of the universe according to His will, which god-men have declared to be faulty and in need of fixing. God, it seems, simply needs to watch and learn from those who actually know what they are doing. AND THE CHURCH IS IN THE FOREFRONT OF THE NEW WAVE which, as we will see, is not actually new. The church began the entire movement with the recognition of and service to the whore of heaven known as Easter–the goddess of fertility and mother of Tammuz the sun god. Read Easter using that Word as key. Proof of her replacing God with self, many churches are recognizing as “reality” the interchanging of the sexes and the marriage of same sexes, both of which are abominations to the Biblical God. The Apostle Paul delves into the sex situation in the first chapter of Romans.
With the transition of man from created to creator, man declares himself to not be merely man, but god-man. Being now his own creator, man can become an animal, a tree, the opposite sex, a third party sex and, as noted earlier, a disabled human, or perhaps a wounded animal I’m guessing. And the beauty part of these transitions is that one can change back or become something totally different with a thought. When truth becomes subjective, so does reality. My wife had a kindergarten student who wanted to be a rabbit when she grew up. Now she can.
Finally, and most importantly, when an individual or a society turns from the ways of God, he or they also turn from good, invariably calling it evil. When this happens, the opposite invariably takes place–evil becomes good. What was formerly deemed good (God, Truth, etc.) becomes evil and evil (homosexuality, etc.) is elevated to the stature of good. Sound familiar? It should, for this is exactly how America and other countries are conducting themselves. God prophesied that this would happen. The reason? SIN. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 where God tells us why such Satanic activity and warped mind-sets are imposed by God Himself. It is punishment for not obeying His Law. Note in Romans 1:21-32 that when people refuse to obey the Lord He “gave them up to” even more evil as they push for even more ungodliness in their lives. As a result, evil is not merely tolerated, but is preferred and exalted. The church, who initiated this craziness by rejecting God’s Law, will eventually be at the forefront of ever more anti-God “truth” and “reality.” Yes, all of them. L.J.
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