Following in the footsteps of her ancient Israelite ancestors, America gradually moved away from the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ and toward other, more physically sensitive deities that appealed to the body more than to the heart (mind). From early on Israel was attracted to the sexual emphasis that characterized the heathen religions of the people whose lands bordered her after her arrival in the Promised Land. After a while she began to worship the goddess Ashtoreth, “the abomination of the Sidonians” whose sanctuary sat on the “mount of corruption” east of Jerusalem (2 Ki. 23:13). Some of Israel’s neighbors worshiped female sex goddesses whose names reflected the group involved in the worship of her. In Phonicia she was called Astarte; in Sumer her name was Inanna and in Babylon she was known in Ishtar, from which the Western World concocted the name Easter whose symbols–eggs, rabbits and chicks–symbolized her emphasis on sex. She was also known as the “Goddess of fertility” whose statue depicted numerous breasts. Because of their spiritual weakness, the Israelites soon became totally sexualized as sex came to domiate the entire culture.
Which is what is happening to “the church” in the Western World today where America’s apostasy (turning away from God) is demonstrated by her obsession with sex in all of its negative expressions. The spirit of Easter is gaining more and more power as America distances herself ever farther away from the God Who created and blessed her. Where the Israelites sacrificed their children in the valley of Hinnum, America sacrifices her children in governmentally funded citadels of death called abortion clinics where over 60,000,000 have already been slaughtered. In the past the blood of the sacrificed children was used to color Easter eggs. Today their body parts are sold to the highest bidder. A study of America’s evangelicals r(most conservative churchites) revealed that 54% were in favor of abortion on demand.
Pornography always accompanies sex obsession. In Israel, pornographic images and words permeated the society. Today porn has become an obsession as people can see it in living color 24/7 on the screens of their hand-held devices. Look for this obsession to increase in both numbers and intensity because AS GOES THE CHURH, SO GOES THE NATION. If 54% of Christianity’s most conservative members are in favor of slaughtering the innocent unborn, what next, abortion performed live on X or Tik Tok? Note the increasing referencing to sex and the “f” word in social conversation. I remember a time when the word “pregnant” was usen in polite company. The movement toward Satanism is picking up speed with few “caution” signs in sight.
Another area in which America is decaying internally is her gradual embrace of polytheism (worship of multiple gods). Israel’s ancient power was based on belief in and worship of one God (monotheism). Where there is one God there is one spiritual Truth. But where multiple gods exist there are multiple truths. And where there are multiple truths, truth becomes totally subjective as each person is allowed to determine his/her own truth. In such cases, anything, no matter how unrealistic, can become “truth.” Males can become females and visa versa; people can become animals and behave like them, even altering their bodies in order to look like them.
When these types of things take place, God’s eternal Truth soon becomes “anti-truth” and is relegated to the “that was then, this is now” category. As a result, many gods and goddesses arise, accompanied by many different truths. At this point truth becomes totally subjective and each truth becomes absolute which must not be challenged. One does not dare question the “truth” that biological males can give birth. The absolute has become subjective, and the subjective has become the new absolute. Anyone who questions these “truths” becomes a “hater” who refuses to accept the current “reality.” A man who “knows” that he is a wolf is living in a “real world” of his own creation. It is, nevertheless, a “real world.” Anyone who refuses to recognize his wolfness is not merely wrong, he is bad and must be cancelled. When objective truth disappears, so does reality. In America both truth and reality are subject to change at any time, which automatically changes reality and truth.
Anciently, the nation of Israel was warned by God through His prophets to have no social or spiritual relationships with the people around her. But man being man, that law was soon rejected and intermingling became commonplace. It is common knowledge that when a civilization moves away from God there eventually rises a rejection of Him. In every case in which God’s ways were discarded there soon arose a war against them. It is not enough to ignore God; Satan demands that one must actively combat Him. Such is the scene now developing in America where “the church” actively strives against the Word of God. For example, God states in no uncertain terms that homosexuality is an abomination. Yet, the church, along with the nation, not only accepts the sin, but allows it to remain valid when queers are supposedly “saved.” Their abominable condition is accepted as long as the “love Jesus.” And queerness no longer being a sin, there is no need to repent after an encounter.
I do not watch or listen to religious television or radio programs where the church’s version of the Gospel holds sway and God’s true Gospel is preached against. However, God will sometimes arrange for me to “just happen” to be where I can hear one of Satan’s false prophets speak. This is His way of telling me what His enemies are saying. Let me be clear: THE CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT RELIGIOUS SYSTEM IS GOD’S MOST DEADLY ENEMY BECAUSE IT PRESENTS ITSELF AS HIS TRUE CHURCH AND ITS GOSPEL AS HIS TRUE GOSPLE. FOR THIS REASON HE CALLS THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH NOT ONLY “DARKNESS,” BUT “GREAT DARKNESS” (MAT. 6:23). The Biblical God makes it clear that it is better never to have known Him than to know Him and turn away from Him, which is what America, along with the rest of the so-called “Christian world,” is doing. The rate of separation is increasing exponentially.
The final indication that America is spiritually on her way down and picking up speed is the involvement of the “higher powers” of the state in spiritual matters. In the last stage of total apostasy, the national government inevitably gets involved in the right and wrong debate. Again, ancient Israel is our prime example.
God’s chosen, taught and prophet-led people had everything going for them. They had been freed from slavery by God, led out of Egypt by Him and placed in the land He had promised Abraham would be the home of his descendants. But, due to their associations with heathen peoples, combined with the leaven principle, what was once known as “good” eventually became “evil” and visa versa. Nothing has changed as America’s social condition attests. In the initial stages the changes are made in the name of tolerance, acceptance, freedom and openness to new ideas. Sound familiar? Such “common sense” appeals to the people’s emotions is always successful. For example, there are more than 1000 Muslim mosques in America today. The two fastest-growing religions in America are Islam and Hindu. Does “Death to America” being shouted by thousands of Muslims and their supporters in the streets of America tell us anything? It tells me that my beloved nation is in deep trouble.
Once the government gets involved in determining what is spiritual truth and error, then comes legal action against those who do not agree with its assessments. Once the enshrinement of socially-defined good and evil is established on the federal level, people can be jailed and fined for publicly disagreeing with the government. This is happening now in Finland and Canada. Can America be far behind? Who will be the first to be declared an “enemy of the state” for standing against a politically-defined “good” or for a politically-defined “evil.” One of our citizens has been arrested for praying in front of an abortion clinic. The officials came after him wearing bullet-proof vests and bearing rifles. What next, tanks? L.J.
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