I will admit that this series is difficult for me to write because it involves the demise of my national sweetheart–my once-wonderful, once God-blessed, now God-cursed America. Therefore, it is with heavy heart that I write the following, knowing that, because of the Lord’s Cause and Effect rule, her demise must take place. But there is a light in the future. I can record this warning knowing that there is a new day coming, an eternity in which God’s Very Elect will rule and make perfect not only the earth, but also the universe. Read about those coming days by using the key word Caretakers. Also read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom.
In a previous series titled Christianity: The Inverted Religion (key word–Inverted), I pointed out that the church that was commissioned by God to do what her Israelite ancestors had failed to do–be His light to the Gentile (heathen) world–has also failed. As a result, the nation has evolved into what we see playing out on our television screens during the news each evening, as well as on the covers of magazines and newspapers.
We are daily looking at a nation that was created by God to fulfill His purpose, but has, over time, slowly detached herself from that purpose as well as from His governance. America, following in her religion’s footsteps, is a civilization that has turned against herself and against the foundation on which she once stood. She has become an inverted, spiritually mongrelized conglomerate of religious confusion. Though she still claims to be a nation “under God,” she rejects His rules of engagement that determine both the individual and the nation’s relationship with Him. As a result, she is in the final stages of apostasy–a deadly “falling away” from the God she claims to “trust.” The nation that has “a church on every streetcorner” has backslidden to the point that the Biblical God can no longer be found in any of them. Morally, America is proving to the world that she is all glitter and no gold, all talk and no walk, all blow and no go. Or, as we say in Texas, “all hat and no cattle.” Modern Americans are living in a nation at war with itself, a nation in which apostasy is not only the talk, it is also the walk, which is rapidly turning into a sprint. Like proverbial lemmings, her people are rushing toward the cliff.
America has “grown up;” she has relegated to the past her childlike dependence on the God Who birthed her. Having “found herself,” she is expressing her independence from God by going her own way and creating her own paths. As did Adam and Eve after Eve’s conversation with the serpent of Eden, America has , as God noted: “… become like one of Us, knowing (by creating her own version of) good and evil” (Gen. 3:22). America has outgrown her Creator.
What is equally disasterous about her separation from God is the fact that she is at peace in her new state of self-reliance and self-direction. In a recent series on peace (key word–Peace), I point out Biblically that the peace she feels will one day explode in her face as she finds herself in the midst of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord and asking herself, “What happened.” What happened was her “falling away” (apostasy) that was prophesied to take place by the Apostle Paul in his Second letter to the Thessalonians (2:3). Read the series about the Tribulation using that word as the key.
America is in a transition period, a metamorphosis in which she is shrugging off the restrictive harness of a monotheistic (one God and one Lord Jesus Christ–Eph. 4:5,6), commanding, intolerant, “My way or the highway” Master and easing into a more comfortable, self-pleasing, self-directed, user-friendly mode of life where there are “gods many and lords many” (1 Cor. 8:5) among whom her people can pick and choose at will depending on her religious desires. As she has shed the restrictive Law of God, America has come under the sway of those whose diversity, equity and inclusion obsession has caused her to embrace other gods and their respective “truths,” which differ from the “truths” of all her other gods. Due to the popularity of this mindset, a theology called “Universalism” has been coming on strong of late. Universalism is the belief that salvation can be found in any religion. One need only believe the teachings of the divine entity who leads one’s religion. A reading of the Old Testament reveals how that turned out for the nation of Israel. As went Israel, so will go America. Read Who and Where Is Israel Today? Key word–Who.
The religious beliefs of those who have been welcomed into what was once the domain of the Biblical God has resulted in pagan values replacing Biblical values and pagan rites and rituals replacing Biblical commands in America’s once holy places. The dramatic changes that have taken place can be seen in the nation’s worship and deification of all things natural and material, her loss of reverence for life, her amalgamation of all religions (“We all serve the same god”), her embrace of moral relativism, her worship of images, her rejection of Biblical standards, values and teachings, her obsession with materialism, her inner carnality and her replacement of God with idols. This describes both the nation and her church system.
It is a well-known but ignored fact that a nation that departs from the Biblical God will eventually embrace another god or gods. Man is a spiritual being in that he will worship and serve someone or something, even if he is unaware that he is doing so. Even atheists have a god–themselves.
And so America, as she delivers herself from God’s rulership, has embraced other gods–some spiritual, some carnal. Instead of worshiping the Biblical God, she venerates such things as sex, money, profit, entertainment and success which is determined not by one’s moral stance, but by who has the biggest or the most. As a result, the nation once known as the beacon of Godly values has become the world’s primary purveyor of all things ungodly. The universally-understood epithet, “ugly American” is more applicable today than ever before. To the rest of the world, the words “ugly” and “American” have become synonymous. The mighty have indeed fallen under the power of Satan. Following in the footsteps of her multi-bodied religious establishment, America is rapidly becoming a plague on those who once looked to her for help and guidance.
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