For years prior to the beginning of World War II Communism had been slowly, quietly “adopting” parts of Asia with its eye on Europe. During the war the Soviet Union played a vital part in defeating Germany, thereby saving the Western world from the ravages of Nazism. During the war the Soviets, along with other members of the Allied coalition, fought and defeated the Nazis in various nations they (the Nazis) had overran, thereby liberating them (the nations) from Hitler’s stranglehold. However, Following the war a problem arose when the Russians, who had helped to defeat the Germans in those nations, refused to leave. Rather, they took them over and made them part of the Soviet Empire. Following the war the other victors vacated those nations, intending that they return to self-control and self-governance. The Russians, however, refused to leave. Their goal was total world domination with the entire planet lying beneath the heel of the Soviet boot. They established puppet governments in the countries they had liberated from Germany, placing local Soviet sympathizers as heads of the governments. Russian military units remained in country to keep the turn-coats in power, which meant that Russia in reality controlled the nation. The communists, having planted their flag in those nations, declared that they were now part of the Soviet Empire. This was a classic example of the “To the victor go the spoils” mentality. The other Allied powers allowed this nation-grab to take place. In this way the empire grew exponentially following Germany and Japan’s surrender.
Outwardly, peace reigned in Europe generally. But under Russian control, the people of the new Soviet nations chaffed terribly under their brutal new masters. And there was more. Behind the scenes a war was raging as Russia secretly worked and planned to take over the entire world one nation at a time. But unlike normal warfare, the victories would not to be gained by military might, but rather through ideological subterfuge. What began following the end of the war and continues unto this day came known as the “cold war” as the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) worked tirelessly to plant its unseen flag in nation after nation and to do so quietly and behind the scenes. This “Domino Effect” would bring down small nations which, like standing dominos, would quietly fall to Communism as they rotted from within due to the communist infiltration of unsuspecting nations.
The Russian goal was to quietly consume nation after nation and to reap the benefits of their natural resources. There was only one thing standing in way of a USSR global takeover–THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. As long as she existed, there could be no world domination. Powerful, successful and dominant, America had to be destroyed.
The Russians knew they could not defeat America militarily. Her demise would take place by slow, below the surface subterfuge. Ever forward-looking, the Russians planned for the future. They knew they would need to destroy the American mentality which placed a high value personal and individual freedom. They would need to change the nation’s desire for self-direction and self-dependance to one in which the state would replace the individual as the focus of all effort and allegiance. To do this they would need to infiltrate the American public education and political systems. On the educational level, the Soviet mentality had to be pushed from first grade through the college and university system. They also knew that before the nation could be taken down, her belief in and dependence on God had to be destroyed. Communism and religion are anathema to each other. Where one exists the other cannot exist. Therefore, God had to be eliminated from the American psyche.
As anyone who keeps up with current events knows, the godless Soviets have been supremely successful in removing the Almighty from the national mindset. As planned, it began in the university system where future teachers receive their training. Today the nation’s college and university system is a hot-bed of communist ideology. For example, a recent survey found not one Republican within 33 university departments in seven universities. These Marxists professors train those who will greatly influence the nation’s youth. A look at what the current federal administration is doing to America proves that the Russians have been highly successful in creating a generation of Marxists (closet communists) who are now in power in all three houses of American Government.
What has come to light recently concerning the public schools, particularly the lower grades, reveals the extent to which the communist ideology has been and continues to be implemented, especially outside of the nation’s southern states. God’s teachings have been outlawed in the public education sector. Human beings are presented as nothing more than evolved animals, meaning that they are expendable and replaceable. Animal life and human life are of equal value. We are being told to stop eating meat, that insects should be the nation’s food source–if necessary, BY GOVERNMENTAL DECREE. The environment has replaced human beings in terms of what is important. The government, not the individual, must be man’s primary concern, for it is the government that emphasizes and enforces the laws relative to the environment. Man is nothing more than a cog in the machine of State. In order to implement the Communist program and maintain it, God must be eliminated from the national vocabulary. This is already happening within the military establishment. To destroy America, God must be removed from the minds of the nation’s youth.
This effort on the part of the Soviet Union to undermine, then destroy the United States as a world power was first brought to light publicly in 1985 when Yuri Bezmenov, a Russian KGB operative, defected to the United States and enlightened the world as to the Kremlin’s decades-long efforts to destroy America from within. In an interview with newsman G. Edward Griffin, Bezmenov described the Soviet Union’s ideological subversion efforts, code named “Active Measures,” by which Russia would destroy the world’s most powerful nation by turning her children away from the American model to the Soviet model. He warned in his book titled A Love Letter to America that much had already been accomplished. As recent news articles have shown, the internal rot has eaten away much of what Americal has always stood for and stood against. In a series titled The Communist Manifesto–American Style I go into detail concerning what the communist administration now in power is doing to this nation. To download that series use the key word Manifesto.
As I have been stating for over two years, I believe that God is giving America one last chance to turn from serving Satan to serving Him. This would involve rejecting the ideology being enforced by all three houses of government which the communists, who call themselves “democratic socialists,” now control. The recent Republican takeover of the House of Representatives is, I believe, the Lord’s first move geared to turning the nation back to Him so that He can rid her of the communist curse that now infects the nation. This is not to say that the Republicans are God’s people. They are not. However, they are intent on keeping evil forces from destroying this nation that God created, blessed and used to help the rest of the world.
I have predicted a 2024 takeover of all three houses of government by the Republican Party. I stand by that prediction. I believe that America is special to the Lord and that He will give her one last chance to do what He requires in Second Chronicles 7:13,14. In this important verse He tells ancient Israel, and modern Israel today that, though He has punished them for rebelling against Him, that He will stop cursing them and will bless them, “IF My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SINS AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND.” The expression “heal their land” means to forgive their sins and help them in every way per Leviticus 26:13 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14. But if not …. Read the rest of those two chapters and compare them to what has happened to the so-called Nation Under God over the past few generations.
The spiritual ball is in America’s court. If I am right, God is giving this most blessed of nations one last chance to HUMBLE herself in full repentance, SEEK His face, TURN from her many sins and OBEY Him in Godly fear. I predict that she will do so–to a point and for a time. I believe that in 2024 God will reinstate Donald Trump as the nation’s president and place both houses of congress in Republican hands. I believe the nation will “get religion” and temporarily go “back to church.”
I also believe that America will do exactly what her Israelite ancestors did–return to her evil ways when things begin to look better. I also believe that the end result will be the same. America will return to sin, endure military defeat, suffer the slaughter of multiplied millions of her citizens and suffer the enslavement of the survivors in the lands of the victors. I weep for my beloved nation, especially my family who, though very religious, do not know the Biblical God and reject my every effort to enlighten them.
If the Bible is the Truth I believe it to be, and if in it God is saying what I believe He is saying, what I have described will soon be upon us. There is still time to avoid what is coming, to become one of God’s Very Elect and be taken to a place of safety before the Great Tribulation begins. A turning to the true God cannot take place in Satan’s Catholic/Protestant Church System. Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 explains why. L.J.
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