America, the “city on a hill,” whose “light” was designed to shine forth God’s Word and His righteousness as examples to the world as her citizens obeyed His Law and were blessed for doing so. America is dying–decaying from within–as the world looks on and shakes its collective head. Her citizens defy God’s first two commandments as the rest of the astonished world wonders what has happened to the once-great nation. By rebelling against Him and obeying His enemy, her people proclaim their hatred toward the God they profess to love as well as their fellow man.
Long ago God warned the world, specifically those who call themselves by His name, that He would send curse after curse on individuals and nations that refused to obey His Law which He condensed into Ten Commandments, wrote in stone, then hid them so that man could not, using hammer and chisel, change them. Not able to change God’s Law, man spiritually “nailed it to the cross” of Jesus Christ. As we study the next 25 verses of Leviticus 26 we will be examining a preview, written thousands of years ago, of what we are witnessing come to pass before our eyes on a daily basis. God’s true saints know why, which is the focus of this series.
America is destroying herself as many of her sin-crazed citizens commit unbelievable atrocities against each other. Others, guilty of their own sins, simply watch what is happening, film it when possible, then go about their business. As stated in the first article of this series, the Catholic/Protestant Church System long ago set the example of spiritual rebellion against God which the unchurched followed on the social level. The result is what we are seeing take place on the streets of America’s Democrat-led cities. Many of those who are waging war against their fellow Americans wear crosses while doing so. We see them when a camera happens to be in the right place at the right time. I have literally seen and listened to two men asking God to get them out of their respective situations after being caught breaking the law. AND THEY EXPECTED HIM TO DO SO. Why not? Jesus paid the price for their sins; so why should they be punished? Isn’t that what they were told in church? And Satan smiles.
How America went from God’s spiritual penthouse to Satan’s spiritual outhouse has become obvious. IT ALL BEGAN IN THE “ONLY BELIEVE,” “BE SURE TO REPENT,” “JESUS ACCEPTS YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE,” “ADAM CAUSED THE PROBLEM; JESUS SOLVED THE PROBLEM; SO IT’S ALL GOOD; HE’S GOT THIS” INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. No other institution has lied to as many people for as long and has gotten away with it as “the church.” And the lying continues. At least for the time being. Beloved, the party is just about over. I believe that God will give us one more opportunity to repent and turn to Him over the next couple of years. I have zero hope that this will happen. I believe that, as a nation, we will once again reject Him. Jesus said that only a “few” would obey Him, and that “the many” would follow Satan (Mat. 7:13,14).
Beginning with verse 14 of Leviticus 26, God declares what HE HIMSELF will do TO those who refuse to obey Him, including those who are in “the church.” Recall the Apostle Peter saying that judgment is on-going within the church, and that only the righteous within her will be saved, and they just barely (1 Pet. 4:17,18). This was when the church was actually God’s church where He actually ruled. Recall that Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter and God struck them dead on the spot (Acts 5). GOD DEMANDS HOLINESS IN HIS PEOPLE.
In verses 14 and 15 the Almighty states in language anyone can understand that if we do not obey ALL of His commandments, we will not only be breaking the COVENANT He made with us at Mt. Sinai, we will also be proclaiming that we DESPISE AND ABHOR THAT COVENANT. Jesus said in Luke 10:16 that doing so also means that we DESPISE BOTH HIM AND HIS FATHER. In Deuteronomy 7:9,10 He tells us that those who reject His Law HATE HIM. In 5:1,8 and 9 He says the same thing about those who have idols–“graven images.” LAW-DENIERS/HATERS/DENIERS/ABHORERS HATE BOTH GOD AND HIS SON–SO SAYS THE LORD HIMSELF.
In verse 16 He begins to reveal what He will do TO us if we do not obey His Law–the covenant He made with us BECAUSE HE LOVES US AND WANTS US TO SPEND ETERNITY WITH HIM. In His warnings He repeats several of His curses. This coincides with His promises to multiply His wrath “seven times more” for our sins if we do not repent and reverse course. In verse 16 He says that He will send upon us a disease known as “consumption” (Heb.–shachepbeth) whose symptoms are fever, inflammation, burning ague in the eyes leading to blindness, accompanied by sorrow of mind. He warns that we will work hard but in vain as we watch our enemies consume what we produce. Today we are witnessing this take place as millions of criminals enter our nation where we watch them consume our tax dollars. For example, the city of Denver, Colorado announced that it would spend $40 million per year ($1000 per week per “immigrant”) over the coming year. And we know that the influx of “immigrants” will increase as we spend more and more to feed, house, medicate, educate and transport them. Verse 16 is literally taking place before our eyes.
Verse 17 promises an even worse curse–military defeat–as God turns away from the nation. Millions will be killed in a war fought on American soil. The nation’s conquers will hate and rule over the survivors who will live in constant fear. And if that does not result in repentance and a reversal of life, He promises to increase His curses by seven (vs 18). Notice Who will send every curse. GOD HIMSELF WILL SEND THE CURSES, exactly as He did to our ancestors–Israel.
In verses 19 and 20 God warns that He will destroy us militarily and economically. Our military is fixated, not on how to win wars, but what pronouns and bathrooms we must use relative to our preferred sex. We have sent so much weaponry to Ukraine that our war-making supplies are at an extremely low level. And there is no end in sight. Russia and China are salivating in anticipation of invading and defeating us, which they will do during our lifetimes. In these verses God warns that He will send crop and orchard failures. We will work hard and have nothing to show for it. In verse 21 He states that if we will not turn to Him in obedience, He will increase our punishment by seven because of our sins.
In verse 22 God says that He will send wild beasts among us which will kill adults, their children and their animals. The population will become so sparse that no one will be moving along the nation’s highways. In verses 23 and 24 He promises to punish us seven times more for our sins if we do not turn from our wickedness.
In verse 25 God promises that He will destroy us by our enemies and force the survivors into cities where they will die en masse from disease (“pestilence”). Survivors will be at the mercy of our enemies, whom God Himself will send to defeat us. In verse 26 He warns that He will send more famines upon the land so that even bread will be at a premium. No one will have enough to eat as food will become extremely scarce. In verses 27 and 28 He promises that He will walk contrary to us and punish us seven times more for our sins unless we repent and turn to Him in total obedience. In verse 29 we are told that the famine will grow so severe that we will eat our own flesh, which is what our Israelite ancestors did in times past (Isa. 9:20). In Jeremiah 19:9 God warned that Israel would eat their own children, which they did (Lam. 4:10).
In verse 30 and 31 God promises to destroy all of our religious practices as well as our religious symbols, which He calls idols. Having them proves that we hate Him. He will also destroy our places of worship. His soul, He says, will abhor us. Anciently he was referring to physical Israel; today He is referring to the sinning church and the nation that follows her lead.
In verse 32 God warns that He will make our land desolate and our enemies, who will rule the land, will look upon us with amazement as our cities become wastelands. He warns in verses 33-39 that He will send our survivors into the lands of our conquerers as slaves where we will faint from mental stress and fear of those who will have total power over us. Many will die in those foreign lands. Those who survive will pine away under the stress and hopelessness of their situations.
If these warnings from God do not turn us from our wicked ways, then there is no hope for us. I n spite of all the religious hubbub, I have no confidence in a true national revival. As I have stated earlier, the so-called “revivals” that are taking place will soon fade away and we will return to religious business as usual–the very thing that led us into this Satanic mess in which we now find ourselves. I hope I am wrong.
But there is a way in which we, as individuals, can avoid what is coming upon America and the world. The way has a name. His name is Jesus–“THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” (Jn. 14:6). He is the ONLY WAY, His way is through the ONLY TRUTH (Word–Jn. 17:17) which, IF obeyed, will result in ETERNAL LIFE (Rom. 5:21; 6:22/ Mat. 10:22). Turn to Him now, if you have not already done so. Believe His Words, obey them, thereby keeping sin out of your life. He has a place of safety where those who do so will be protected and cared for while the world around them destroys itself during the soon-coming Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord–the final 3 1/2 years of this age (Rev. 12: 6,14). At the end of this period called “time, times and half a time,” Jesus will return to gather His true saints to Him in the air, lead them back down to Jerusalem where He and they will establish the Kingdom of God where they will live forever. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. L.J.
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