In Leviticus 26 God (the Word Who came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth) is speaking to Moses Words to speak to the Israelites–His Chosen People–Whom He calls the “church in the wilderness” in Acts 7:38. He spoke to the people through Moses because the people let him know that they did not want to hear Words from His (God’s) mouth because they were “sharper than a two-edged sword” and would kill them spiritually. Their spiritual ancestors have the same reaction to His Word written in the Holy Bible and spoken by His chosen, anointed apostles. These are the Words by which man must live in order to receive eternal life: “Man must live by EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD” (Matt. 4:4). These are the same Words by which man will be judged (Jn. 12:48). Jesus, then known as the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14) spoke every Word recorded in the Holy Bible, Words which He had heard from God through the Holy Spirit, then spoke them to His prophets and apostles through the Spirit. His ministers then recorded them for “our instruction upon whom the ends of the world have come” (1 Cor. 10:11), meaning we who are now watching the world’s end rapidly approach as the church’s final era (Laodicean)–Rev. 3:14-20) draws to a close. Now let us look at the positive promises of God for those who would obey His Words (verses 1-13). Since they are well known, we will view them from a general viewpoint as I point out some very important “fine print” aspects of them.
Verse one condemns “graven (man-made) images” when uses in the worship of Him. God states that He views any such graven items as ANOTHER GOD that the believer worships (“BEFORE Me”–Exo. 20:3). It does not matter what the worshiper feels or believes, God said NO MAN-MADE ITEMS RELATIVE TO WORSHIP OF HIM ARE ALLOWED. God’s Very Elect will have no crosses, fish symbols, statues, pictures, flags, etc. that in any way are connected to the believer’s relationship with Him. Note that this also includes natural things, such as rocks, trees (Christmas), heavenly bodies (sun, moon, etc.) which He calls “standing images.” He explains why there can be no other items used in worship of Him, “for (because) I (alone) AM THE (one and only) LORD YOUR GOD” Whom man must obey.
Verse two concerns God’s Sabbaths (holy Days) which must be observed by obeying the instructions for doing so. This includes the 4th of the Ten Commandments. He also commands that His people must conduct themselves reverently while in His sanctuary (place of worship). Why? Man must approach Him and worship Him in an attitude of reverence (humility and submission).
In verse three the Lord begins to lay out the “fine print” relative to His “headlines” which are the promises He will make in the following 10 verses. These are the “how to” instructions which will cause His promises (what) to materialize in the believer’s life. Notice the first and most important word relative to receiving the promises–“IF” one obeys everything he has been and will be taught to do. Verses 1-13 tells us what He will do FOR us IF we obey His Words. Verses 14-36 tell us what He will do TO us if we fail to obey Him. Note the words IF, WALK, KEEP AND DO relative to God’s words. Read verses 4-13 to learn what God promises to do FOR the obedient believer IF he/she obeys Him.
Let it be understood that no one asked God to bless them. His promises are totally His idea based on His will for mankind. His promises are based on His love for His most precious creation–mankind. They are rewards for those who prove their LOVE for Him by obeying His commandments. In John 14:15,23 Jesus told His disciples that IF they loved Him they would prove it by keeping His commandments. In 15:10 He told His disciples: “IF you keep (obey) My commandments you will abide (remain) in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and (thereby) abide in His love.” JESUS HAD TO OBEY GOD IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN HIS LOVE. Are we better than Jesus? Do we not have to obey God in order to walk with Him in agreement with His Law (Amos 3:3)? In John 8:31 Jesus said to His chosen disciples: “IF you are My disciples indeed (reality), OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS.” In John 15:13,14 Jesus said to the disciples (then and now): “Greater love has no man than he lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends IF you do whatsoever I COMMAND YOU.” If we do not obey Him, His death is meaningless. In Matthew 12:50 He said that (only) those who do the will of His Father are His spiritual brethren.
What He makes abundantly clear in Leviticus 26:14 and beyond is that those in the church who do not obey His Law will be treated exactly as the heathen. In His eyes, THEY ARE THE SAME.
Let us understand that GOD WANTS TO BLESS ALL OF MANKIND. Why else would He have made the promises found in the first 13 verses of Leviticus 26? Why else would He have offered the same blessings to Gentiles (heathen) that He made to His Chosen People? BLESSING MANKIND IS HIS IDEA, HIS PASSION, HIS DESIRE AND HIS WILL FOR ALL PEOPLE. He paid the ultimate price so that every human being ever born could enjoy the blessings of a blessed life. All man has to do is love Him enough to obey His Law. Yet man, including churchman, refuses to do so. Recall that Adam and Eve had it all from day one. They lived in paradise, lacked nothing, had everything–and blew it. Why? Because they had a better idea as to how to live. This better idea was given to them by Satan. Their descendants have followed and are following in their exact same footsteps plotted out by the exact same god. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF SATAN OVER THIS WORLD WHICH HE RULES AS ITS SUPREME GOD (2 Cor. 4:4). His power over the Institutional Church is exactly the same
The first 13 verses of chapter 26 we have noted what God promises to do FOR those who obey Him. In the following posting we will examine what God promises to do TO the believer who refuses to obey His Law in letter and spirit. Jesus tells us that such believers are NOT HIS FRIENDS. meaning that His death will have no effect on their eternity for they are not His spiritual brethren. Do not follow the path trod by Adam and Eve. Do not believe Satan’s false prophets and their “only believe” lie. BELIEVE GOD’S WORD AND OBEY IT. L.J.
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