America is at war with herself–citizen against citizen, criminal against victim, the lawful against the lawless, generation against generation. What happening? Why is it happening? As is always the case, the Holy Scriptures have the answer to both questions. The question is: DOES AMERICA WANT TO KNOW WHY? And if she accepts the “why?” answer, is she willing to do what is necessary to remedy the problem?
As I watched the evening news several months ago I saw about a dozen people carrying a sign approximately 20 feet long and 3 feet wide which read: “WE WILL NOT BE GOVERNED.” These people were speaking for a small, rapidly-growing group of Americans who refuse to obey the laws of the land. The recent outbreak of destruction and death in many of our woke-led cities tells us that the sign they were carrying represents more and more Americans as time goes by. Lawlessness reigns in many inner-cities. Left-led cities in Left-led states, as well as our Left-led federal government are all filled with publicly elected officials who agree with those carrying the sign. Left, progressive, “woke” politicians and other public officials are elected by the MAJORITY of the voters. That tells us that the nation is sliding ever farther away from the laws that had successfully governed her for over 200 years. Today, the law is whatever the local and state district attorneys, along with the U.S. Attorney General say it is, which is whatever the electorate tells him/her it is. Woke-led cities, as well as the counties in which they are located, have become lawless sewers where people do whatever they want to do, knowing that there will be no serious consequences for their actions.
For everything that happens, there is a cause. So what happened to the law-abiding nation that was founded on the principle that law was supreme and that in order for the nation to survive its populace must obey the law. The nation’s founders knew that, without strict adherence to the law, there would be chaos.
The question must be asked: from whence came the Left-leaning, law-rejecting, progressive, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-law, reality-is-what-you-want-it-to-be mentality that rules large segments of the American society? From whence came the idea that individuals and groups can ignore the law and do as they please without the consequences dictated by the law they are openly violating? The answer is: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. Where did we first hear that the citizens of the “One Nation Under God” in Whom that nation bases its “Trust” do not need to obey the Lord’s Law (Bible) from whence came the nation’s foundational rules of behavior? Again the answer is: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. From whence came the “Bible Truth” that each religious group could make and obey its own rules of spiritual engagement and the Biblical God would look the other way? that their only obligation was to believe in Him, or in some cases Her? Again, the answer is: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. From whence came the modern anti-Bible, anti-God theology that now governs those who carry Bibles, go to church, wear crosses around their necks and fish on their cars? Need I say it? THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. My assignment from God is to tell THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH THAT SHE IS NOT MERELY DEAD WRONG, BUT THAT SHE IS DEAD–PERIOD–AND PROVE IT USING GOD’S UNCHANGEABLE WORD. What Book is the most hated and rejected tome found among America’s religionists? THE HOLY BIBLE. Whose well-known example is America’s Catholic/Protestant Church System following? Adam and Eve–the founding members of the Church of Eden. As one whose job is to break the deadly news to those concerned, I can assure you that no one hates the Lord’s Word like the pillars of “the church.”
I have grown weary of seeing crosses dangling between exposed breasts. I am tired of seeing people arrested for all kinds of crimes wearing crosses tattooed on their foreheads and arms. I despise seeing queer flags alongside crosses on the fronts of so-called “churches” outside of which drug addicts congregate to grab that last, desperate drag on their dope sticks before going inside where they will hear the same lies they have been hearing for decades. Why do they hear the same religious garbage preached decade after decade? Because that is what they pay their hirelings to tell them. Being desperate to please their paymasters, their false prophets preach to them “smooth things, lies and deceits” (Jer. 14:14; 16:19; 23:26,32/ Isa. 30:10). God says about those “ministers of righteousness?” “I DID NOT SEND THEM.”
As I have stated many times: AS GOES THE CHURCH, SO GOES THE NATION. For proof of this truth, look at what is happening in America today. Lawlessness reigns in the most highly congested areas of the nation. Of late, rejection of the law has begun to spread to the suburbs and out into the countryside. Those who do not go along with the nation’s downward spiral are powerless to stop it because, if they intervene, they, not the criminals, will be arrested, tried and jailed if they cause the slightest harm to the criminal. The helper becomes a victim OF THE AUTHORITIES. If one dares to stop a criminal from committing his/her crime, one’s next stop will likely be a jail cell.
In the cesspools that left-led cities have become, law-abiding people are afraid to go outside in the daytime. Evening walks are taken at one’s own risk. Women are raped in daylight on public transport systems. A trans female raped two school girls on school grounds and gets away with it. Criminals run amuck, doing whatever they want do. Why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THE CHANCES OF BEING CAUGHT ARE MINISCULE. AND IF THEY ARE APPREHENDED, THEIR LIVES WILL NOT CHANGE. FOLLOWING A HOT SHOWER, A GOOD MEAL AND A GOOD NIGHT’S REST AT PUBLIC EXPENSE, THE CRIMINAL WILL BE BACK ON THE STREET BY NOON THE FOLLOWING DAY AND FREE TO BREAK WHATEVER LAWS HE DECIDES TO BREAK. Success breeds more of the same action. We have an invasion of gangsters, slave-traders, thieves, dope runners and murderers coming across our southern border while our Democrat leaders in Washington concentrate on transsexual rights, their preferred names and titles toilet choices. China and Russia, and even some of America’s former friends are talking about going to war with her–France, for example.
Question: how can this be? Answer: THE PEOPLE CONTINUE TO ELECT LAWLESS OFFICIALS TO PUBLIC OFFICE KNOWING THAT THEY WILL DO WHAT THEY PROMISED TO DO IF ELECTED–CREATE CHAOS, CODDLE CRIMINALS AND PUNISH THEIR VICTIMS. Our national enemies are waiting for America to reach a certain level of weakness. Then they will strike. And they will win because God tells us they will.
Common sense no longer exists within the quagmires that so many municipalities have become. What happened to America? The answer to that question is found in the Book that supposedly rules the “One Nation Under God”–the same God Whom that nation supposedly “Trusts.” The problem is that the trusting ones reject the terms of the covenant laid down by the One Whom they supposedly trust. Let us study the covenant its Author made with anyone who would obey His rules of engagement (Law). Let us determine the content of that covenant and to whom it is, offered.
Leviticus 26 contains the covenant (contract/agreement/testament) the Almighty made with a particular group of people. This covenant is still in effect for the same group of people with whom He made it originally. God made His covenant with anyone–Israelite or Gentile–who would believe and obey its contents strictly and continuously. The covenant which God offers true Truth seekers graphically explains what we are seeing take place day and night in Democrat-led cities. The fact that the Lord recorded His covenant two times in minute detail reveals the importance He places on its contents. Deuteronomy 28 also features the Lord’s covenant offered to mankind.
Before we delve into Leviticus 26, let us be reminded that the group of people to whom God offered His eternal covenant was comprised of both Israelites and Gentiles (all non-Israelites). This is brought out in Exodus 12:48 where we are told that, “a mixed multitude ALSO went up (from Egypt) WITH them (Israel).” These were Gentiles whom the Egyptians had conquered and enslaved. After witnessing the power (plagues) the Lord had poured out on the Egyptians, these Gentiles embraced Him, agreed to obey Him and left Egypt with His people.
Following their escape, the One that freed them stated that “… ONE LAW” (covenant) would govern both biological Israelites and the mixed multitude from that day forward (Exo. 12:49). That Law was the covenant He would make with them a few days later at Mt. Sinai where He spoke audibly to the people He had brought out of Egypt (which included the Gentiles). He told them that IF they would obey what He would tell them, they would become His people and He would become their God. The entire assembly (including the Gentiles) agreed to do so. He then gave them the Ten Commandments which was a condensed version of the Law which, in its complete form, is called the Holy Bible.
By agreeing to believe and obey the Ten Commandments which He had spoken and written in stone while atop Mt. Sinai, the Gentiles became SPIRITUAL ISRAELITES. Over time the Gentiles were embraced by the tribes of Israel, intermarried with them, obeyed God’s Law and, n the eyes of God and the biological Israelites, became spiritual Israelites, as are those who today embrace the God of Israel, His Son, Their Holy Law and Their Spirit (power). It is by that Holy Spirit that They write Their Law in the hearts (minds) of Their Very Elect (Law-keeping) saints (Jer. 31:31/ Heb. 8:8-12). It is that Law which forms the foundation of the covenant the Almighty offers to anyone who promises to believe and obey it.
Question: what does the covenant recorded in Leviticus 26 have to do with the condition of the United States of America today? EVERYTHING, as we will see as we study that covenant.
For those who believe that the Old Testament (Covenant) was “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ, I will (once again) offer Scriptural proof that the Law is still in effect in the church of which Jesus Christ is the head.
To prove that God’s Law governs His true church today, please read the following passages: Ephesians 2:20/ 2 Timothy 3:14-16/ John 8:31; 15:10/ Romans 2:13; 3:2; 15:8/ 1 Corinthians 10:11/ 2 Peter 1:21/ Matthew 4:4; 19:17/ Malachi 3:6/ Romans 2:13; 7:12/ James 1:22/ Isaiah 42:21; 58:13/ Romans 7:7; 9:17/ Acts 7:38; 17:11/ Acts 20:27/ James 2:10/ Galatians 3:8/ Deuteronomy 5:1,9; 7:9,10/ 1 John 2:5. L.J.
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