Question: when is a “problem” not really a problem? Answer: when it is a test from God to see of a believer will follow Him when things go “wrong” or possibly “right.” According to Biblical examples, what might seem to be a “problem” to a believer, might be the Almighty’s way of “proving” him–or the opposite might be true. In testing (“proving”) us, God is “seeing what we are made of. A Biblical illustration of such “proving” (testing) makes use of the purchase of oxen for farm work. Anciently, a potential buyer of a team of oxen would not seal the deal until he had “proven” them–tried them out to see if they would obey his commands (Lk. 14:19). Being big and muscular did not automatically qualify them for the hard work ahead. The words “prove” and “proved” relative to testing of individual character, spiritual fitness, etc. is mentioned at least 28 times in the Scriptures and often refers to causing problems to see how the subjects would react to them.
God’s tests come in a variety of forms. Many times the test itself is not a problem for the believer, but the aftermath of having failed it is the problem. A good example of this Godly testing is presented by the Prophet Moses as a warning to those who would rely on outward “evidence” of God’s approval of a minister rather than His Words. In Deuteronomy 13 the Lord uses a miracle to demonstrate this important lesson. In verses 1-4 God speaks through the prophet, telling physical Israel then and spiritual Israel today that if a prophet predicts a future miracle, and that miracle comes to pass, we are not follow that prophet when he calls us to serve other gods. Why? “… FOR I THE LORD AM PROVING YOU IN ORDER TO KNOW WHETHER YOU LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL. YOU ARE TO WALK AFTER THE LORD YOUR GOD, FEAR HIM, KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, OBEY HIS VOICE, SERVE HIM AND CLING TO HIM.” In this and other ways God proves (tests) those who profess Him to see if they will follow those who are outwardly impressive instead of “trying their spirits” to see if they are following His written rules of engagement–the Holy Bible. Let us apply that teaching to professing Christendom today.
In today’s church world outward “evidence” of the Lord’s approval of a minister does not usually involve signs, wonders and miracles. Unlike early on, church people today do not expect such displays of God’s power as they once did. In those days God’s men “preached the Gospel, healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, cast out demons, raised the dead,” etc. routinely as Jesus commanded in Matthew 10:8. These were some of the signs that one was a true called out, anointed man of God, Jesus being the example they were (and still are) to follow. John said that if all that He did had been recorded, “the world would not contain the books” (Jn. 21:25). And recall that Jesus promised that a time would come when “… he who believes in me will do the works that I do, and greater works than those will he do ….” (Jn. 14:12). Honestly, I do not know of another human being takes that statement at face value. I not only know it is true, I know that it will characterize my ministry in the near future. I have been part of many miracles in the past, but they will pale in comparison to what God is going to do through me in the near future.
Because 99.99% of modern day preachers are not called by God and therefore do not have His power, the outward “evidence” of their “calling” and of God’s “approval” consists of such things as the size of the preacher’s congregation, the size of his television audience, his delivery style, his winning smile, and most important of all, his message. In other words, DOES HE SAY WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR? Of course, an occasional miracle doesn’t hurt, though they are extremely rare and are granted in spite of the receiver’s life and not because of it. In 99.99% of modern ministries miracles, signs and wonders are non-existent–exactly the opposite of what Jesus commanded. Now let us examine the ‘problem” relative to following the miracle worker mentioned in the Deuteronomy 13:1-4 example. This example also applies to healings, etc.
Notice that the miracle worker asks his impressed audience to “go after other gods.” Today each group (denomination, faith, order, cult, sect, etc.) has its own god, savior, truth, plan of salvation, etc. which its god and savior puts forth. The Apostle Paul brought this out in Second Corinthians 11:4 where he mentions “another Jesus” that sinners in the church would embrace is one were presented. Today each group has its own “head,” meaning its own jesus christ Who has his own doctrines, methods, etc. which they have embraced.
Jesus is the Head of only one church, and that church is not found within the Catholic/Protestant religious consortium. One will note that popular preachers are connected to either a particular denomination, faith, etc. or is independent. They will either openly or by inference suggest that people join his religious group. And those he has impressed will do exactly that. In such cases the “problem” is that people who are impressed with popular preachers are prone to following them into their religious organizations believing that the Biblical God approve of that group. Once trapped by Satan, they are insulated from God’s Truth, which they are not likely to hear again, at least not by choice. THIS IS THE “PROBLEM” GOD IS WARNING SALVATION SEEKERS ABOUT IN DEUTERONOMY 13. Being impressed by outward manifestations of religiosity, people fail to obey His command to “try the spirits of those who lead you” (1 Jn. 4:1). Why? John explains: “Because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Those false prophets, led by Satan’s demons, will entice the Biblically ignorant to “serve other (Catholic/Protestant) gods.” That is the “problem” that results from using external “proofs” when judging a preacher’s standing with God. The proof of right standing with God is one’s ONE’S OBEDIENCE TO HIS LAW–the Holy Bible which He condensed into the Ten Commandments.
Another way God “proves” (tests) believers is by sending their enemies against them. Note in Deuteronomy 28:7 that God says that HE will send our enemies against us. He then watches to see our reaction. If we have been obeying His Law and have not “GONE AFTER OTHER GODS TO SERVE THEM” (vs 14) by joining a Catholic/Protestant Church, our enemies will flee from us seven ways. However, if we follow popular or miracle-working preachers and serve their (Catholic/Protestant) gods, God will send the believer’s enemies against him and he will flee from them seven ways. This is the problem that is caused by judging preachers using external “proofs” of his standing with God. There is an ancient saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”–READ THE BOOK. The same holds true for judging the quality of a minister. One must READ THE HOLY BOOK to make a true judgment. Truly, all that glitters is not gold. Read “All That Glitters.” Key word–Glitters.
A good indication that a believer is serving the true God is the degree of rejection he/she receives from the so-called “Christian community.” Though people in each church worships and serves its own god, savior, etc. and believes that they are God’s true church, they believe that they and they alone are the true people of God. However, they (reluctantly) hold their respective noses and tolerate members of other churches, even meeting with them for various religious events. The make themselves look good by being in the same room with members of other churches. However, God’s people are NEVER invited to their “ecumenical conferences,” “Solidarity Conventions,” etc. The irony is that they all claim to serve the same god–the God of the Bible. Which is true. The problem is that the god they serve is “the god of this world”–Satan–who is mentioned in the Bible (2 Cor. 4:4). I’m sure you can figure out why I am NEVER invited to speak in a church and NEVER invited to an “Interdenominational Conclave,” etc. One day the world will hear God’s truth and watch it come to life in physical manifestations. God has ordained it. Therefore, it will happen and will be accompanied by signs, miracles and wonders EXACTLY AS JESUS PROPHESIED IN JOHN 14:12. L.J.
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