A close examination of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 prove to the true believer that mankind’s problems are spiritual in both origin and continuation, meaning that, in most cases, they are caused by and perpetuated by sin. The only exception to this Biblical Law involves God’s testing of His people which we will look into in the next posting.
In the previous posting we examined a few instances in which physical problems were shown to be sin-generated as Satan’s fallen angels/demons/devils found their way into the heart of the sinner. who then “follows his heart.” One or more of their “fiery darts” of temptation found a chink in the believer’s armor, entered and stayed. In the case of the non-believer, there is no armor, making him/her an easy target for the powers of the air to enter and rule. The end result is the same for both churched and unchurched. For the unchurched the result is a continuous sin-sin situation. For the churched the result is a continuous sin-repent situation. Church people need to remember the Law (1 Jn. 3:4). Because they break the 4th commandment of that Law, they break the entire Law (Jam. 2:10), proving that they hate both God and Christ (Lk. 10:16/Deut. 5:9). That sin opens them up to demonic influence. Only repentance, deliverance, conversion and obedience to God can reverse the situation permanently.
Now let us look at an instance in which demonic entities completely possessed an individual and dictated his every act, thought and word. In Luke chapter eight we find Jesus and His disciples arriving in Gadara, a city near the Sea of Galilee (vs 26). Upon arrival they met a man who was so demon possessed that he wore no clothes and lived in the tombs. The story is well known so we will not go into it in depth. When asked his name, the spokesdemon gave his name as “Legion,” for there were many demons within the man. The most demons I have dealt with in one person was 33. And like the Gadarene demoniac, they had a spokesman with whom I conversed. And as in this incident, they did not want to come out of the person with whom I was dealing. And like this Biblical incident, they had no choice because I had the same power of God that Jesus had and they knew it. The demons left the woman upon my command without incident. In another case the person vomited, which God had shown me would happen and for which I was prepared.
Another case in which I cast out a demon involving witchcraft, specifically a ouija board which a woman had been using as a game, a dangerous, demon-powered game as she was about to learn. When I cast the demon out she began to spin around, finally falling to the floor. In another case the person had been using tarot cards. God showed me her problem prior to meeting her so I was prepared when I arrived.
This brings up an important truth that is routinely dismissed by the Institutional Church, which is one of the many reasons for her spiritual condition. LITERALLY ANYTHING CAN BECOME AN INTRANCE MECHANISM FOR DEMONIC SPIRITS. Addiction of any kind is a sign of demonic influence. I know a nine-year-old child who is addicted to pokemon cards. He has dozens of them, notebooks full of them, as well as books about them. Pokemon in Japanese means “pocket monsters,” meaning demons one carries in one’s pocket. This child is obsessed with the cards. Obsession indicates addiction. Possession and addiction are both caused by Satan’s fallen angels. One day, when the time is right, I will cast out the demon(s) and set him free. He is too young at this point to realize his part in keeping himself free of those and other demons. As I have noted, timing is important in all spiritual activities.
Dealing with demonic spirits is one of the most important aspects of true Biblical, God-empowered, God-directed ministry. Note Luke 9:1,2 where, following the episode with the Gadarene demoniac and the healing of a young girl, Jesus: “called His twelve disciples together (including Judas the thief) and gave them power and authority over ALL DEVILS and to cure diseases. He sent them out to preach THE KINGDOM OF GOD (not about Himself) and to heal the sick.” Nothing has changed on God’s end. Note that deliverance and healing are as much a part of the ministry as preaching the Gospel. Often, possibly in most cases, physical sickness is caused by demonic activity within the patient. I have dealt with many such cases. Before meeting the individual I normally do not know whether the situation will require the casting out of a demon(s) or a pronouncement of healing.
Demons must obey a true man of God regardless of the situation. I once cast out the demon of alcoholism by speaking to it mentally. I was dealing with a drunken man in a cafe where I did not want to make a scene so I silently “spoke” to it, commanding it to come out of him. He was instantly sober and, I might add, shocked. I once cast out an alcoholic demon over the phone. This recipient of God’s mercy was also surprised.
Let it be understood, I am nothing more than a vessel, a conduit through which God, through His Holy Spirit, does what needs to be done. I am nothing; He is everything, and all things and the only thing. However, as the apostles reported in their writings, I am instructed to proclaim what He has done, is doing and will do through me. I humbly respond as He arranges the situations. And as He promised in John 14;12, THERE IS MUCH MORE TO COME. Casting out of demons will become a common phenomenon in the near future. God will have His servants displaying His power publicly and in the face of Satan’s human agents as the world watches through television and the internet. Satan is now displaying his power over those mediums. One need only watch the news, particularly FOX news, to see that Satan and his angels have taken over the world, including the church world. Even unbelievers are wondering what is going on as they watch the world around them go insane, which is one of the curses God promised if a nation continues to sin (Rom. 1:28-32). Notice that ALL OF THE NEGATIVE THINGS WHICH GOD GIVES THE SINNER OVER TO CONCERN THE MIND, WHERE SIN TAKES PLACE. The results of those sins are external physical expressions (adultery) of an internal spiritual condition (lust).
The spiritual war that has for thousands of years been waged behind the scenes and below the public radar will soon become public. Satan and those whom he controls are going to be exposed publicly. The world is going to know who worships and serves which god. The true God is going to reveal His true power and majesty for mankind to see, EXACTLY AS HE DID THROUGH JESUS OF NAZARETH AND HIS DISCIPLES/APOSTLES IN TIMES PAST. ONLY THIS TIME HE WILL SHOW HIMSELF MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN WHEN HE WALKED THE EARTH JUST AS HE PROMISED IN JOHN 14:12. Yet, the vast majority of people will choose to follow Satan. Surprised? Recall that of all the people Jesus helped, preached to, not to mention those who heard about Him, only about 120 chose Him. Nothing has changed. Man, including churchman, still chooses Satan millions to one. Jesus could not get elected today to a public office in the United States if He put forth the Words of the Bible as the way to live.
When the public showdowns come, and they will come, man, including churchman, will turn on His apostles just as the Jewish priests did in days of old. Why? Because we will expose them for what they are–worshipers and servants of Satan. One day soon the messages I now write I will proclaim vocally in front of banks of cameras and microphones. I will be interviewed on talk shows for the purpose of belittling the ways of God and embarrassing me. But such plans will blow up in the faces of Satan’s disciples. Audiences will be amazed at the power of God that will be displayed through us. Why will He do these things for a global audience. SO THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSE FOR MAN’S UNBELIEF. Just as Jesus and the disciples did what they did publicly, so will God’s end-time messengers. We will tell the world to its face the Truths of the Holy Scriptures. No one, including the pillars of the church, will like what they hear.
As a result, the few who do believe and obey the Lord will be forced to leave our native lands and go to the place of safety God has prepared for His Very Elect. (Rev. 12:6,14). There we will remain for 3 1/2 years as the world explodes around us. In the common vernacular this time span is called World War III. Scripturally it is known as the Great Tribulation and the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Time is running out. The horror Jesus warned about will soon encompass the world. As I have stated, I believe that there will come a short period when people with “get religion” due to a “revival.” But it will involve simply more churchiness and religiosity and will be of short duration. Pray, study, fast and embrace the Lord while there is time. I wrote that I would write about God’s testing of His people in this posting. Oops. Next time. L.J.
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