The route one must take to become part of the family of God (His church) is exemplified by Ruth the Moabitess when she turned her back on her Gentile religion (one of Satan’s “wild olive trees”) and wholly embraced her mother-in-law’s Israelite religion (God’s “good olive tree”). Her complete change of life was evidenced by […]
Replacement Theology (cont. 3)
In Genesis 17:1-7 we find God promising faithful Abraham that He would establish an everlasting (eter- nal) covenant with him and his descendants (the 12 Tribes of Israel/Jacob). This covenant would be in effect as long as an Israelite existed–until the end of the world/age. He promised never to abandon the children of Israel, noting […]
Replacement Theology (cont. 2)
Paul, God’s premiere New Covenant apostle, noted that he and the other apostles had been given the “ministry of reconciliation” by which God would reconcile the two “houses” of Israel (2 Cor. 5:18-20/ Eze. 37). To “reconcile” means to return to a former condition or relationship. The 12 Tribes had been together with God in […]
Replacement Theology (cont. 1)
It was common practice for Jews who, generations earlier had been scattered throughout the world, to return to Jerusalem each year to celebrate Passover. Many of these people would remain in the city in order to observe the Day of Pentecost which took 50 days later. During the Passover/Pentecost season the city overflowed with visitors […]
Replacement Theology
With whom did God make His New Covenant? The Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) believes that the New Covenant was made with Gentiles who became God’s chosen people by default. For centuries church people have been told that, because God divorced both the House of Judah (tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, called “Jews”) and the House […]
Testament and Covenant
Within professing Christendom there is confusion concerning the meaning of the words “testament” and “covenant.” Let us clear up the confusion using God’s Word. A TESTAMENT is a verbal or written state- ment concerning what one has done, is doing or will do in the future, or a combination of the three. A COVENANT is […]
The Lord’s Supper and Communion
This posting is a follow-up to the posting titled Passover vs Easter. That the early church ate the Passover meal, which included the taking of bread and wine in obser- vance of Christ’s death, is evidenced by the writings of the New Covenant authors. In First Corinthians 5:7,8 Paul notes that “For indeed Christ our […]
All That Glitters (cont. 1)
The apostles warn us that false prophets will rise up from among us and lead us into evil. Jesus detailed exactly how Satan uses men to do this: “Take heed that no MAN deceive you, for many will come in My name SAYING (THAT) I AM CHRIST, and will deceive many” (Mat. 24:4,5). Some believe […]
All That Glitters
In Matthew we find Jesus using two related episodes to teach a life-saving lesson–how to discern the source of spiritual inspiration. In 16:13-16 He asks the disciples whom they believe Him to be. Peter replied “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus then revealed that Peter’s words were not his. God, […]
The Night Draws Near
In John 9:4,5 Jesus told His disciples that as long as He was in the world He was the light of the world. He stressed that He had to do the works of God (produce His light) while it was still day, for night was coming when no man would be able to work. Notice […]
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