In the previous segments of this series I mentioned the fact that salvation seekers have, under Satan’s direction, misunderstood many Scriptural passages, and as a result, have spent their church lives serving him, all the while believing that they were serving the Biblical God. In Hebrews 10:10 and 12 we are told that, upon His death Jesus “offered up one sacrifice for sins once for all and forever.” Satan, through his false prophets, has deceived billions of unwitting believers who, upon receiving justification, are assured that Christ’s sacrifice automatically forgives all future sins upon repentance, which frees them to commit other sins, thereby creating a continuous sin-repent cycle that ends only at death, at which time Jesus does one final cleansing on their way up to heaven.
This is a deadly, Satan-concocted lie designed to lure the religious masses away from God and to himself. As Adam and Eve revealed, being able to do what one wants to do and get away with it is a temptation that is hard to reject. Few salvation seekers have done so. The others have joined “the church.” Being ignorant of God’s “fine print,” they do not know that “sin separates you from your God” (Isa. 59:2). Notice that the prophet is writing to God’s people in that he calls Him “your God.” He has been ultimately successful in keeping salvation seekers away from their Creator. For proof, open a phone book to CHURCHES and count. There are approximately 450,000 church ministers in the United States who serve approximately 350,000 churches. How many of these ministers teach their parishioners the Word of God? I would guess less than 100. And in that their parishioners follow their lead …. This proves that Jesus was right (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14)
The problem lies in the confusion surrounding the Words “once for all” and “forever.” A passage that is used to “prove” that Hebrews 10:10-12 and Romans 6:10-12 mean what they do not actually mean is First Peter 3:18 where the apostle states that “Christ has once suffered for sins.” The belief is that He suffered and died so that, ONCE JUSTIFICATION HAS BEEN ATTAINED BY GOD’S GRACE, ALL FUTURE SINS ARE FORGIVEN UPON THE SINNER’S REPENTANCE OF EACH SIN. This is one of the devil’s most powerful deceptions, for it frees sinning believers to sin again, and again, and again. One preacher told her congregation that, because Jesus has already paid the price for their sins, God forgives them even before they repent. One man told me that he saved up his sins over time and had a mass repentance event periodically. After attending a mass, one woman proclaimed: “Well, I’m good for another week.” As stated in a previous posting, another woman stated that we need not be concerned about sin because: “Though God doesn’t like it, He won’t do anything about it.” Then there is the preacher who tells his congregation that God wants them to have fun. He points out that sex is fun. Therefore …. You get the picture.
The best summation of professing Christendom’s attitude toward sin was stated by a well-known television pastor who stated that it is impossible to obey God, therefore, trying to be holy would only make them sick. He wrapped up that “truth” by telling them that they were “nothing but a society of sinners.” Such religious garbage is the product of Satan’s control over “the church.” His central message relative to sin is that man is nothing more than a puppet and that, due to Adam’s supposed sin gene transferal miracle, sin is part of man’s spiritual dna. His message was: “Don’t fight it; just repent.”
The Apostle Paul, who received his Gospel from Jesus Christ through revelation (Gal. 1:12), exposes the above-stated church “truths” for what they are–Satan’s lies which are still in vogue today. In Romans 2:1-4 he chastises those who are involved in Satan’s sin-repent cycle. He tells such reprobates that they have “unrepentant hearts (minds).” These “sinners saved by grace” are locked in a continuous sin-repent cycle. Paul tells them that they are “TREASURING UP” (accumulating) to themselves (God’s) “wrath” until the day of wrath (judgment day) at which time God will judge them righteously (compare them to His holy Word) and will “render to every man according to his DEEDS (WORKS).” The Apostle James makes abundantly clear the fact that grace, faith, religiosity, etc. will have no effect on where one spends eternity. We will be judged by our WORKS–OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S HOLY LAW FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION. Read James 2:10,14,17,18,29,24,26). Remember, the apostles wrote to the church, about the church then and now.
Another Scriptural passage that refutes the sin-and-grin-for-in-the-end-you-still-win theology put forth by professing Christendom is Hebrews 6:6 where Paul tells the Hebrew Christians and us today that those who, following conversion, continue to sin have “fallen away” from God because they “CRUCIFY TO THEMSELVES THE SON OF GOD AGAIN AND PUT HIM TO AN OPEN SHAME.” Let us not be deceived about the effect of sin on a believer who has been justified (had all PAST sin forgiven). To continue to sin is to SPIRITUALLY CRUCIFY CHRIST WITH EACH SIN WHICH MAKES HIM AN OBJECT OF SHAME BEFORE UNBELIEVERS.
To “crucify Christ afresh” (KJV) means that, in the eyes of God, the sinning believer is spiritually nailing Him to that cross again, and again, and again. We must look at everything in this life through the eyes of the Almighty. Sinning after having Christ’s blood cleanse us of all past sins (justification), then deliberately sinning again and again is an abomination In the eyes of God Who sees us as having an “UNREPENTANT HEARTS” (Rom. 2:5). Paul, writing under the direction of the Holy Spirit, tells the sinning believer that his repeated repentance is fake repentance, that he REPENTS WITH NO INTENTION OF WALKING IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD. RATHER, HE REPENTS SO AS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR FUTURE SINS. Such a one has not been truly converted and is not a child of God. This characterization applies to approximately 99.99% of professing Christendom, once again revealing the power Satan has over the Institutional Church.
Paul addresses this problem in his letter to the Hebrew coverts. Beginning in 4:11 he tells them that He has much to teach them, but that sin has dulled their hearing. He notes that they are still spiritual babes who, addicted to breast milk, are unable to spiritually ingest “strong meat,” which I call God’s “fine print.” Paul is in fact speaking to the modern Laodicean church. In 7:1 he tells us that we must grow up and move on from the ABC’s of God’s Word. We must STOP PREACHING ABOUT AND LEARNING ABOUT REPENTANCE FOR SINS. He is telling the church to STOP NEEDING TO REPENT–TO STOP SINNING. Recall what Jesus told the prostitute and the man at the pool called Bethesda: “SIN NO MORE”–PERIOD. Nowhere are we told in Scripture to CUT BACK on our sinning, or to TRY to stop sinning. We must QUIT SIN UTTERLY. Only those who do will be involved in the first resurrection–the resurrection of the saints who will spend eternity in His presence. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
In John 15:13,14 Jesus is telling His God-chosen disciples that He (Jesus) would die ONLY for His friends. He then said to them: “You are My friends (ONLY) IF YOU DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU TO DO.” Jesus died ONLY for those who obey Him, meaning those who obey His Ten Commandment Law in letter and spirit. Not even His disciples/apostles (sent ones) were guaranteed salvation. AND NEITHER WAS JESUS OF NAZARETH.
Proof of this Biblical Truth is found in John 14:23,2415 and 15:9,10 where Jesus tells His disciples that in order to REMAIN IN HIS LOVE they must obey His commandments, just as He REMAINED IN GOD’S LOVE ONLY by obeying those same commandments. Note that IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN GOD’S AND CHRIST’S LOVE WE MUST OBEY THEIR TEN COMMANDMENT LAW–EVERY WORD OF IT. NOWHERE IN THEIR LAW DO THEY TELL US TO SIN OR TELL US THAT SIN IS ACCEPTABLE IF WE REPENT AFTER EACH INEVITABLE SIN. Christ’s command is to SIN NO MORE. If we continue to sin after embracing Him and having our past sins forgiven, our repentance is false. In the eyes of God, false repentance is worse than not repenting at all. If we continue to sin our sins are not forgiven. Rather, they are saved up until we face Christ on Judgment Day when He will judge us by His Words (Law) (Jn. 12:44-50).
Continuing to sin after being forgiven of all past sins and expecting God to look the other way is like someone deliberately throwing a rock through your window every day, then bragging about doing so and getting away with it as does the Church of Sinners Saved By Grace. These are those Jesus addressed when He said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN. Many will say to Me on that (judgment) day, ‘Lord, Lord,’ we have preached in your name, and in your name have cast out devils and in your name have done many wonderful works.’ And I will say to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY (BROKE MY LAW).'”
The Catholic/Protestant Religious System (“the church”) is comprised of those written about by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:2; 5:6/ Col. 3:6 and Hebrews 2:2. Combined they provide a clear appraisal of the modern day Laodicean Church which is filled with those who, because they reject God and obey Satan, he labels as “the children of disobedience.” Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters. L.J.
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