As stated in the Holy Scriptures, the forgiveness of sins can be accomplished only through the shedding of blood. This law was established in the Garden of Eden and practiced among the Israelites until, during the Last Supper, Jesus announced the end of the sacrificial system involving the blood of animals for removal of sins. He then proclaimed that from that time forward His blood would be the agent that removed sin. His crucifixion would result in the shedding of His blood “once for all” (time). Never again would forgiveness of sins be tied to physical blood-letting of either man or beast. The spear entering His heart and bringing about His death would put an end of all such sacrifices. Afterwards, it would be man who would sacrifice himself on the alter of submission to the Almighty. Christ’s death would provide the power for man to do that. However, Jesus said that few would do so while many would pretend to do so (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14).
In Romans 3:24-26 the Apostle Paul makes clear the fact that the blood shed by Jesus on the cross covered all of the PAST SINS of the truly repentant, truly converted FORMER SINNER. Following that act all previous sins are relegated to the past and have no affect on the daily life of the truly converted saint. This Truth is proclaimed in Romans 5:8 where Paul notes that true saints “WERE SINERS” and “WERE ENEMIES OF GOD” prior to conversion. In 3:24 Paul states that JUSTIFICATION (the removal of all past sins) is strictly by the GRACE OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE FAITH THE SEEKER HAS IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Verse 25 shows that justification results in the removal of the true covert’s PAST SINS ONLY. In verse 26 Paul states that it is through the righteousness of God that He (God) becomes the “justifier of him who BELIEVES IN JESUS.”
Due to a misunderstanding of the final seven Words of verse 26, billions of people have been deceived by Satan into embracing three deadly lies: 1) that “justification” is the same as salvation 2) that all future sins are automatically forgiven upon repentance, and 3) that in order to be instantly saved one need only believe in Jesus Christ–believe that He died for our sins. The vital Biblical Truths (God’s “fine print”) that are totally missing from church doctrine is the focus of this ministry. Sadly, 99.99% of professing Christendom rejects God’s “fine print” and, because of this, will fail to qualify to meet Christ in the clouds upon His arrival. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three.
These universally-embraced errors, like all other errors relative to the Scriptures, begin with the fact that salvation seekers tend to read and embrace only what I call God’s “headlines,” which are true, as far as they go. The problem is that those who focus only on them do not “go on to perfection” (Heb. 6:1) by following God’s instructions for studying His Word. A perfect example of “headline” hunters ignoring Biblical “fine print” is Paul’s statement to the jailer that he and his family needed only to “… believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). Due to a lack of “fine print” hunting, the universal church formula for salvation is “Believe and receive instant salvation.” However, by following God’s instruction to seek out His “fine print” we learn that there is much more to the SALVATION PROCESS than Paul’s “headline” Words to the jailer implied. This is the lesson of Isaiah 28:9-13. Belief (faith) is the beginning, not the end of the process, which the Apostle James makes abundantly clear in 2:10,14,17,18, 20,24,26. Note that James addresses both justification and salvation relative to faith. Note in verse 14 that he asks if faith alone can save the soul. The answer is NO. BECAUSE WE LIVE (SPIRITUALLY) BY OUR FAITH (ROM. 1:17), FAITH WITHOUT WORKS PRODUCES A SPIRITUALLY DEAD BELIEVER (vs 14).
We know from Romans 3:22-25 that justification is awarded for man’s faith because of God’s grace. Paul tells us that justification involves only the forgiveness of the salvation seeker’s PAST SINS, not his future sins. Then James tells us that in order for our faith to result in salvation (awarded at the return of Christ) it must be accompanied by the appropriate WORKS. These WORKS INVOLVE OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAW WHICH IS THE ENTIRE BIBLE WHICH HE CONDENCED INTO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, INCLUDING NUMBER FOUR WHICH THE CHURCH WORLD HAS REJECTED IN FAVOR OF SATAN’S DAY OF SUN GOD WORSHIP–SUNDAY–“THE VENERABLE (HOLY) DAY OF THE SUN” ON WHICH THE MASSES WITHIN PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM UNWITTINGLY WORSHIP THE SUN.
God, knowing the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10), warns in Isaiah 28:5-13 that people must study His Word “precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” Note that He states His rules for Bible study TWICE. The problem, as Isaiah tells us in verses 5-8, is that the priests and the prophets (church leaders) “have erred,” and as a result, have “stumbled in judgment” and have “cast the Truth to the ground” (Dan. 8:12). Because they refuse to study the entire Bible, they are unable to be taught by God, who looks for those whom He can teach knowledge. These are Truth seekers who will embrace His rules for Bible study, who will believe what they find and obey it. Which brings us to verse 13 where Isaiah notes that those who should know and obey His rules reject them, and as a result, “fall backward, are broken, snared and taken” by Satan into the heathen religions of that day and into the heathen Catholic/Protestant Religious System today.
Note that Isaiah REPEATS God’s instructions, an act which has much importance. In Genesis 41 we find that the Egyptian Pharoah has been had two dreams which he did not understand. He calls for Joseph who explains the meaning of the dreams, then proclaims a very important Truth relative to God’s Word. In verse 32 he tells Pharoah that, because the dream was given to Pharoah TWO TIMES, THE MATTER WAS SETTLED, THAT GOD WOULD SURELY BRING IT TO PASS. Recall that God gave us His rules for Bible study TWICE. We must search out His headlines and His “fine print.” His headlines tell us what He has for us; His “fine print” tells us how to qualify to receive it. This receiving Law includes salvation. Read The Process of Salvation and Hope and Salvation. Key words–Process and Hope respectively.
The misunderstanding of the passages noted above leads us back to the blood issue relative to the removal of sin, specifically the shedding of Christ’s blood, which was shed “once for all” (time). That statement has also been misunderstood. Most salvation seekers believe that His shed blood not only covered their past sins, but also all of their future sins upon repentance of each sin. Lack of “fine print” study has led to this universally believed church “truth.” As a result, statements like the following flow from the lips of church people: “Don’t worry about sin; God doesn’t like it, but He won’t do anything about it.” “My Lady (Mary) takes care of it (his many sins).” “You can’t obey the Law.” “Do you (me) actually believe that your salvation depends on your obedience to God?” “Don’t try to be holy; you’ll just make yourself sick. You’re nothing but a society of sinners” (spoken by a pastor to his present and television congregation). Sadly, he was speaking for almost the entirety of professing Christendom who have never heard God’s Truth and, as long as they remain in “the church,” never will. For this reason God commands them to “Come out of her” in Second Corinthians 5:14-7:1. Then, and only then, He will become their God and they will be His sons and daughters. Read this Scriptural passage. L.J.
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