Anciently, the Lord, speaking through the Prophet Isaiah, declared that there were those who “call good evil and evil good.” He pronounced a “woe” on them. The inference was that the apostasy would not merely endure, but would increase in scope and depth over time and, in the latter days of the church era, reach a point that God would not allow the sin and degradation to continue. Jesus warned in Matthew 24:4,5 that in the centuries leading up to His return the world situation would gradually worsen as mankind in general and churchman in particular would grow farther and farther away from His teachings until the world would find itself in the Tribulation Period in which life would reach a breaking point. During this 3 1/2 year period life would become so horrible that all of the curses God had placed upon man since the beginning of time combined would pale in comparison. This short period would culminate in His (Christ’s) return to earth. Upon His return He will destroy His enemies and usher in a time of total peace called the millennium–a thousand-year period in which man would be taught the Lord’s way and be given the opportunity to embrace it. Read about this time period using the key word Millennium. Today, we see the rejection and eradication of all that God holds dear as the world returns to “the time of Noah” when mankind became so evil that God had to destroy all but eight people. Jesus promises that He will return in time to prevent mankind’s total destruction from taking place again (Mk. 13:20).
Several examples reveal how far the church has separated herself from God relative to the sexual deviance issue. The United Methodist Church has a drag queen as a traveling minister. The Methodist Church of Great Britain has instructed its ministers to avoid using outdated terms such as “husband” and “wife” in order to appeal to the deviants among her membership. The Church of England has a transgender priest named Bingo who dresses as a woman and prefers to be called “they.” Christianity Today ran an article asking if Christians should offer their pronouns in an effort to make transgender people feel comfortable among their fellow churchmates.
The Roman Catholic Church has for centuries been the bastion for conservatism within the church community. But no more. In June of 2023 several Catholic churches came together to hold “Pride masses” in honor of pride month. Later, the pope signed a document that allowed transgender people to be baptized. He then had lunch with over 40 transgender women, including prostitutes. These people often sit in VIP seats at his masses. Of late he has allowed priests to bless homosexual couples. Those in the Catholic Church who have retained some sense of Biblical rightness know that this is nothing more than an act of compromise in order to gain acceptance from the homosexuals.
Let us be clear. Jesus ate with tax collectors and other sinners. BUT HE DID NOT TELL THEM THAT THEIR SINS WOULD BE OVERLOOKED IF THEY ACCEPTED HIM AS THEIR SAVIOR. As the Apostle Paul told the church at Corinth, put the adulterer out of the church NOW. Read First Corinthians 5:1-7. So much for “Sin is acceptable as long as you are love Jesus.” Notice in verse 5 where Paul pronounced a death curse on the sinner. As a man of God, he had that power and, as a man of God, did not hesitate to use it. Read what Jesus said about His Very Elect saints in John 14:12.
At the present time the church’s passion to please the pervert community involves a number of denominations. Some church members believe that their church will never bow to the homosexual, transsexual movement. Yes, they will. No church congregation can handle being called “haters,” which is the term used to describe anyone who does not go along with the apostasy. All will bow to the gods of sexual perversion. Rather than holding up the banner of God’s Truth and standing against the tide of immorality that is sweeping through the society, a large number of churches have gone the other way and have embraced the flow of people waving the rainbow flag of compromise. Those rare individuals who refuse to “go along to get along” will be forced to leave the church, which they should have done much earlier, like right now. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
Recall that in time past churches recognized God’s strict rules against divorce, abortion, premarital sex and female preachers. That is no longer the case. One by one, Satan has persuaded church people to totally reverse their attitudes relative to those abominations and to accept them as the Lord’s will. Their gods have indeed changed. For example, today approximately one third of the Church of England’s preachers are female. This is in direct rebellion to Scriptures such as First Timothy 2:9,12. In the United States the vast majority of Catholics want their church to ordain female priests. What was once taboo is now embraces as “God revealing His multiple personalities.” If it makes people happy, it must be of God.” My job is not to make people feel good; it is to tell them God’s Truth, which usually does not make them feel good. Indeed, His “sword of the Spirit” cuts going in and coming out. I know, I felt it many times.
There is a distinct positive correlation between a denomination’s acceptance of female preachers and the acceptance of homosexuality. With extremely rare exception, they go hand-in-hand. The same holds true for allowing divorce and remarriage within the congregations. Once they have taken those steps, there is no turning back. Once that hedge has been breeched, it is impossible to hold the line against other forms of sin as defined by the Holy Scriptures. A little leaven leavens the whole loaf. When allowed to remain together, evil always overcomes good. And according to the church, God accepts the change. In fact, that’s the way He always wanted it to be.
Many, if not all of the people who have compromised with Biblically-defined sin believe that they are doing the right thing by showing compassion for such sinners. Compassion equates to: “Come as you are; stay as you are. Just love Jesus.” But the Scriptures require the sinners to turn away from their sins, not to remain in them. Jesus told the forgiven prostitute: “Go, and SIN NO MORE.” He told the man at the Bethesda pool the same thing. HIS LAW HAS NOT CHANGED. HE TELLS ALL WHO WOULD BE SAVED THE SAME THING. THERE IS NO PLACE FOR SIN IN GOD’S CHURCH, MEANING IN HIS PEOPLE. We are told that we must “ABIDE IN HIM” in order to quality for salvation upon His return. We are also told that “IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL” (1 Jn. 1:5), that in Him there is only light. The Truth is clear: IN ORDER TO RISE TO MEET HIM AT THE FIRST RESURRECTION WE MUST QUIT SIN UTTERLY AND PERMANENTLY. The church’s response to that Truth is to simply swap definitions of good and evil, then give God credit for the transition.
An ancient adage states that “As church leadership goes, so goes the church.” Church leaders are commanded to stand their ground when their congregations want to deviate from the Biblical standard. Jeremiah 23:16 makes this perfectly clear. Here the Lord states that He is personally against religious leaders who claim to speak for Him but substitute their own ideas. Here He states: “Is not My Word like a fire? … and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (vs. 9). In the church version, the fire is put out and the rock breaks the hammer.
Embracing the LGBT movement is hastening the collapse of those societies in which it is now running rampant. The Almighty will continue to add to His “voices” of destruction and death until man recognizes his error and either turns from them or dies. Man must give up his ideas of good and evil and embrace God’s sure word. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
The Holy Scriptures contain the keys to solving mankind’s problems and learning how to live happy, productive lives. Man has far to go in this regard. He has not yet learned to fear God. As a result, man has destroyed himself and everything around him. Help is available. Within God’s Word is found the solution to man’s many self-inflicted problems. Those solutions can only be found by diligently studying the whole of God’s Word. This involves focusing not only on the “headlines” such as the fact that Jesus died for mankind. We must also embrace His “fine print” which contains the Bible’s most powerful word–“IF.” Jesus told His God-selected disciples that He would die for them, “… IF YOU DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU TO DO” (Jn. 15:13,14). If those men who had preached the Gospel, healed the sick, cleansed the lepers and raised the dead had to obey everything He had told them to do, so must we. L.J.
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