“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who call darkness light and light darkness, who call bitter sweet and sweet bitter” (Isa. 5:20). It would be difficult to find a better Biblical quote to describe the effects of the Satanic “truth” about Adam’s supposed sin gene transferal than the Words written by the Prophet Isaiah as given him by the Lord. Though those words of Truth were written between 792 and 722 B.C., they not only have proven to be true for the church’s ancient ancestors, they are becoming even more relevant in today’s church whose parishioners are growing ever farther away from the Almighty and at an ever accelerated pace. Over the past two millennia the church’s move to divest herself of the Lord’s influence has resembled a slow, deliberate jog–a small change here, a slight deviation there–just part of the maturing process, some opined.
However, Satan’s movement has of late turned into a sprint as God’s ultimate enemy is rushing to conquer as many believers as possible as the end of the world’s final age approaches. We are living in the Laodicean Age of church history. Next up: The Great Tribulation and the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. This will be a 3 1/2 year period of destruction and death that will end with the return of Jesus Christ, the first resurrection and the salvation of the saints. Read God’s Letters to the Church Eras. Key word–Eras.
Satan knows his time is short (Rev. 12:12) and that the Tribulation Period is rapidly approaching. For this reason he is working feverishly to deceive as many of the remaining churchites as possible in the time he has left. This series, in conjunction with the previous series, will examine what is going on now in the name of the Lord, as well as the methods used by the devil to claim new souls who will join him in the eternal fire created for him and his angels (Rev. 20:12-15). According to Jesus Christ, these condemned souls will include those who had called Him “Lord, Lord” and had done “many wonderful works” in His name during their church lives. To them He will say, “I never knew you, depart from Me you who work iniquity (Lawlessness) (Mat. 7:21-23). Note that, in spite of their extreme religiosity, HE WILL HAVE NEVER KNOWN THEM AS HIS TRUE SAINTS. Having never heard or read God’s Truth, the church is low-hanging fruit for Satan and his false prophets who, in truth, own and operate the Catholic/Protestant Religious System known as Christianity.
For generations billions of people have entered “the church” lived “Christian lives” without ever having heard God’s Word preached or having studied it in depth. Having been convinced by their hirelings, they will enter the Lord’s presence on the Day of Judgment believing that they are about to be handed the keys to their heavenly mansions, only to hear those fateful Words from the mouth of Jesus Christ. Now we will examine what is taking place in “the church” today which is the exact opposite of God’s holy marching orders. For proof of the church’s apostasy I will be using information that has been gathered by many other people who have graciously made it available to the public. My appreciation for their kindness is total. Let us now take advantage of their kindness, as they would expect us to do.
How far has the professing church come since her founding in 31 A.D? What have been the changes brought about by Satan’s false prophets since shortly after the founding of the New Testament Church in Jerusalem in 31 A.D? What is the extent of the damage the “angel of light” and his “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15) have caused within the Body of Christ over the years as they were able to take of leadership roles in the church.
The devil’s influence has steadily grown over the centuries as reflected in the writings of the original apostles. That influence has come from the Catholic Church which was founded by Simon Magus (the magician) in Rome in 33 A.D. Shortly thereafter his ministers began to infiltrate God’s church with their softer, gentler, more self-directed version of God’s “truth.” Within the first few decades the apostles were already warning the churches about Satan’s efforts. Read Galatians 1:6-9 and 2 Corinthians 11:4). Indeed, another Jesus had already brought in a perverted version of God’s Gospel.
Just before His death Jesus warned His apostles about the future work of Satan’s false prophets in Matthew 24:4,5 where He prophesied about men who would present themselves as His ministers and, having gained the people’s trust, would “deceive many.” As He said in Matthew 7:13,14, only a few would follow Him through His strait (difficult) door and along His narrow (restrictive) path to salvation. Satan’s deceptions would not only increase with the passage of time, they would draw people ever farther away from the Truth of God. For example, a church in New York recently held an art exhibit in which religious artifacts were presented. A sign declaring the theme of the exhibit announced that “GOD IS TRANS.” The “Christian” leaders in charge of the exhibit were announcing that the God of the Bible was in fact a female pretending to be a male. Their message was that every Biblical statement pertaining to God’s male sex is a lie. I assume the same rule applies to Jesus, His/her son/daughter? It’s all so confusing. I can only imagine the extent and depth of God’s wrath that these reprobates will one day experience.
Recently a Presbyterian preacher in Iowa prayed fervently and with deep conviction: “Oh GOD OF PRONOUNS, we give praise to … THE GREAT ‘THEY,’ THE INCARNATE HE AND SHE, THE GOD OF TRANS BEING.” This ordained minister was announcing to the world that the God of the Holy Scriptures was BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. In my day such a person was labeled a morphodite, meaning to have both male and female sex organs.
At Duke University a preacher was heard praying to his three-sexed god, saying: “You are DRAG QUEEN, TRANSMAN AND GENDERFLUID, INCAPABLE OF LIMITING YOUR VAST EXPRESSION OF BEAUTY.” This preacher’s god was anything and everything that is and that can be dreamed up. His/her/its/their sexual possibilities are limited only by man’s imagination. There seems to be nothing that his god cannot become in his/her/its/their quest to express his/her/its/their expression of beauty. Like his human counterparts, he/she/it/they is/are able to change sexes at will. Could the church situation become any more idiotic? We shall see in the future as the church continues to evolve into ever different beings. I assume that these gods will want to be called such pronouns as “they” and “them. In keeping with my deep south heritage, I refer to them generally as “yawl.” Deep south city dwellers might call their god “youse,” which is how my city dwelling cousins addressed us rural folk as a group. “Youse guys come see us, heah” was a common refrain. I miss the old days.
The church’s brain-dead, Satan-led embrace of anything having to do with transgenderism is shocking even to me. Those involved in Satan’s service are no longer limited to tiny church groups operating in the shadows of the religious spectrum. Huge, mainstream religious organizations are jumping on the transgender bandwagon as soon as someone labels them as transphobic. They are no longer trying to go with the flow. They have become the flow. Before it is over, all churches will be catching the sex-deviance wave. Anyone not willing to do so will be persecuted. State and federal Laws will be passed against those who cling to the Lord and His Word. Canada has already passed such legislation. California is rushing to join the movement.
I vividly recall watching a televised interview featuring the first queer priest on record in the United States who, when reminded of what God said about queers in the Bible, explained the how he was able to ignore God’s Words and remain in His good will. His explanation consisted of three words which the church has embraced totally: “God has changed.” Those words, assumed to be uttered from on high, initiated a tidal wave of changes the gods of the various denominations are instituting seemingly on a daily basis. We are witnessing a growing wave of apostasy that is taking the church ever farther from the God of the Holy Scriptures she claims has saved her. I have no doubt that the gods of the various Satan-serving, deviance-embracing Catholic/Protestant churches will continue to change as abominations such as group marriage, human-animal marriage, etc. will demand to not merely be accepted as part of the “body of Christ,” but to be celebrated and exalted for their manifestation of “what god is really like.”
Not long after “the church” ordained the first queer priest, the religious dominos began to fall. Once the line is crossed, how can “the church” say no to anything? The answer is, she can’t. That would be religious suicide. For example, not long after the queer priest took his office, same-sex marriage became the rage within the church system. The rule, supposedly dictated by the Lord, was that you either get on board the new train–or be left behind. Churches are hearing the “all aboard” call and are answering it as quickly as they can change evil to good and good to evil. Indeed, their respective gods have made the change, just as the God of the Holy Bible said they would. Each church group (denomination, faith, church, etc.) has its own god who dictates that group’s doctrines, beliefs and customs. In reality, they all worship and serve one god–the god of this world–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4) who has “blinded the minds of those who do not believe” the teachings of the one true God.
What we are watching take place at a quickening rate is a total rejection of the Word of God, which Jesus called Truth in John 17:17. Caving in to the changes in sexual mores that are sweeping America and Britain is playing havoc with the family structure as presented in the Scriptures. God created males and females and command them to procreate. Adam and Eve can do this; Adam and Steve cannot. The family was to have a mother and a father with the father as the family head and their children in subjection to him. The mother was designed to be the helpmeet for the father. Nowhere in His Book did God change that family structure. However, man has managed to malign God’s message to mankind by turning it into a “you want it–you got it” tome.
The war on the family is one of the greatest dangers to the modern world. In the United States, 25% of all children are born out of wedlock. Almost 30% of children live with a single parent or with no parent at all. Meanwhile, homosexual “marriages” have become commonplace. Statistics prove that children coming out of such arrangements are much less likely to succeed later in life and are much more likely to suffer from antisocial and even criminal tendencies. Studies reveal that suicide rates among such children are significantly higher than the norm. And yet, the changes keep coming. And of course, they are simply the God of the Holy Bible expressing the wide variety of paths that human beings can trod. Read Ephesians 4:4-6 where we are told that there is only one way–God’s way–which is plainly presented in His Holy Bible. L.J.
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