In verse six of Hebrews chapter two we find King David asking His Lord why He has been so attentive toward man. Note that in the Hebrew language the word “man” is “adam”–meaning mankind. I will capitalize the word henceforth because the Scripture writers used it to refer to a singular individual. In verses seven and eight David continues to remind God of what He HAD DONE IN THE PAST for man (Heb.–Adam): “You made (past tense) him (man/Adam) a little lower than the angels. You crowned him (past tense) with glory and honor and set him (past tense) over the works of Your hands (all of creation). You put (past tense) ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNTO HIM.” At this point the Apostle Paul stops quoting David and records his own narrative, noting that THERE WAS NOTHING THAT GOD HAD NOT PUT UNDER THE CONTROL OF MAN. However, he points out, at the time of his (Paul’s) writing (69 A.D.) and continuing until this day, we do not yet see all things (the universe) under the control of mankind (vs 8).
“BUT WE SEE JESUS (THE SECOND ADAM)”– Who was made like the original Adam, meaning “a little lower than the angels … crowned with glory and honor ….” Why did Jesus come to earth as a human being (an adam) like all other human beings? So that He could set the human example for us to follow so that, in the next life, we would have all things (the universe) placed under our feet (under our control) as we walk with the “Captain of our salvation” throughout the universe. Read God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key word–Caretakers. Was this how God designed the Adam-creation relationship from the beginning? We answer that question by returning to creation week as chronicled in Genesis 1.
In verses 26 we find God (Elohim–a plural word meaning the Godhead comprised of God and the Word–Jn. 1:1-4,14) conversing. One God says to the other God: “Let us make man (adam) in Our (mental) image and (physical) likeness and LET THEM (MANKIND) HAVE DOMINION (CONTROL) OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, OVER THE FOWEL OF THE AIR, OVER THE CATTLE, OVER ALL OF THE EARTH AND OVER EVERY CREEPING THING THAT CREEPS UPON THE EARTH.” And God (Jn. 1:1-4,14) did so. He made THEM male and female in His own image and likeness (vs 27).
In verse 28 Moses continues to describe what the Creator God did for man at the time of his creation. He blessed THEM (man and woman) and said to them AGAIN: “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth AND SUBDUE IT AND HAVE DOMINION (ABSOLUTE CONTROL) OVER THE EARTH, AND HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER EVERY LIVING THING THAT MOVES ON THE EARTH.” GOD GAVE ADAM TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE EARTH, EVERYTHING ON IT, THE FISH OF THE SEA AND THE BIRDS OF THE AIR. THE EARTH WAS CREATED TO BE MAN’S HOME WHICH HE WAS TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OVER FOREVER AND TO UTILIZE FOR HIS GOOD. Then the Lord created a special place for Adam and Eve to live–a paradise called the Garden of Eden. God intended for them and their descendants to live the good life. It is obvious that God intended for mankind to have absolute dominion (control) over the earth, everything on it and above it. GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. Later He would commission Moses to write Leviticus 26 in which He gets specific about His plans for those who worship and serve Him. Read the first 13 verses of that chapter. Notice the IF condition stated in verses 1-3 and 14.
Adam, the progenitor and model of all who would become his descendants, was created in the image and likeness of the Godhead. He was given the likeness (form) and a mind (image) that would be able to be like his Creator in the spiritual realm. He was given absolute control over the earth, the seas and the heaven above it. In Ezekiel 31:6 God defines earth’s heaven as the area where birds fly and build their nests. Adam was given control over earth’s immediate heaven. Man’s control of the birds involves control of where they live. GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. HE IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS. WHAT HE GAVE TO ADAM HE GIVES TO ANYONE WHO WILL OBEY HIM, THEN, NOW AND FOREVER.
Jesus Christ–a man like all other men–controlled everything on this earth and in the air above it that He wanted to control using the power of the Holy Spirit. He was the human example of what Adam was created to be and did what Adam was created to do. Jesus promised His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit upon true believers following His death and resurrection. He said about His followers: “He who believes in Me, the things I do he will do also, and greater things than these he will do ….” (Jn. 14:12) by the power of the Holy Spirit. Scripturally, the word “believe” and “faith” mean the same. The Apostle James tells us that faith in the Lord is not enough to bring God’s Words and His purpose for man to fruition. Faith is a spiritual commodity. James makes clear the fact that faith without works of obedience is dead faith, which creates a spiritually dead churchite. Read James 2:10, 14,17,18,20,(24),26. Workless faith also prevents man from doing what He created man to do–control the earth and subdue it (make it work for him–utilize all that it provides).
Read Deuteronomy 28. Notice that in verse one God requires that His people DO (OBEY) ALL OF HIS COMMANDMENTS in order to receiving the blessings He promises. Knowing and believing Him is not enough. Notice in verse 15 that He promises to send curses on His people who DO NOT OBEY ALL OF HIS COMMANDMENTS. The lesson is clear: knowing and believing the Word of God will gain us nothing. Though those two qualities are necessary, it is the DOING that causes the Lord to fulfill the promises He makes to His people.
God’s plans for mankind have not changed. So why does man not have dominion over the earth, everything on it, everything in the waters and everything directly above them? Because man has, like Adam, disobeyed God, thereby nullifying His promises and blessings. THIS WILL CHANGE in the near future. God is raising up men through whom He will fulfill His will on this earth as noted in Genesis 1:26,28. L.J.
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