I recently read an article concerning same-sex marriage which graphically depicts the attitude of many Americans relative to sin in general and sexual sins in particular. In the well-written piece the author quoted several millennials (18-34 year olds) who spoke on the subject of gay marriage. What they said can be interpolated to cover anything they and the following generation want to do. According to the interviewees, attitudes toward same-sex marriage are “very generational” and do not reflect party or political philosophy. They also noted that growing up in a different time (than previous generations) has made the millennial generation “a lot more open and diverse.” One 25-yr-old admitted that she had struggled when “reconciling her morals with same-sex marriage,” but that ultimately she “came down on the side of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 majority.” She had contemplated what God had commanded in His Holy Bible. Then she had mulled over the finding of the court. What was she to do? Should she go with God who holds her current and future life in His hands? Or should she go with the flow. In the end, it was no contest. Satan won hands down. After all, she said, “Everyone deserves to be happy.”
Taking her point to the ultimate conclusion, having a lot of money would make me very happy. Churches collect a lot of money on Sunday morning. So, because I deserve to be happy, I will steal those collections. But, someone will point out, according to Romans 1:24-32, THEFT IS A SIN. However, I respond, according to that same passage, SO IS HOMOSEXUALITY. But then I am reminded by a gay priest that quote, “God has changed,” unquote. Apparently God wants homosexuals to be happy, but not me.
Let us set up the sex sin situation so that we can get a clear reading of current attitudes among the most vocal of the population. First, let us examine some numbers. Polls show that approximately 60% of Americans accept same-sex marriage. If this is true, how is it that 40 states have held public referendums (in which citizens vote) concerning the issue and voted to reject same-sex marriage and retain traditional one-man, one-woman unions. This includes California, the most liberal of the states. When the media garner opinions and record the responses we get one set of figures, but when the people vote en masse we get the opposite set of figures. Another fact that the media refuses to bring out is that four states brought the case concerning same-sex marriage before the U.S. Supreme Court. The court’s ruling involved only those four states, not the other 46. Now back to the article.
I thought it telling that among those who were questioned for the article not one mentioned their Maker and His Words on the subject. The one respondent did note that she had a hard time determining who was right, God or the Supreme Court. Not to my surprise, she found that five people overruled the God who created them.
Let us now examine a couple of other responses noted in the article. We learned that the age of the person was of paramount importance in deciding any God versus Satan issue. Accordingly, the issue becomes generational. As one respondent aptly noted, attitudes about same-sex marriage change with each generation. As does everything else, I might add. With each passing generation God, His Word, His Will, His Way become less and less relevant. Today, among both the churched and the unchurched, “Thus saith the Lord” means nothing. “But I think ….” now holds sway whenever God and man find themselves at odds.
Other terms used in the article, and elsewhere, to explain American’s rejection of God relative to right and wrong are “social values,” “openness” and “diversity.” I have already noted the impact of such heart-tugging concepts as “love,” “inclusiveness,” “acceptance” and “tolerance” in explaining man’s, including churchman’s, rejection of God when personal conduct issues arise. It has become apparent that the ever-changing values of the society rule when it comes to current concepts of good and evil if, that is, evil still exists in these United States. Social values have become as slippery as vapor. Whatever feels good at the moment becomes an instant value. Soon, the term “societal values” will no longer be used; whatever one is feeling at the moment will constitute one’s momentary value. Situational ethics will rule supreme.
“Openness” has a nice ring to it. As does “diversity.” In her push for openness and diversity progressives are striving to remove all restrictions relative to individual behavior. Whatever seems right at the moment and under the circumstance is acceptable. According to social thinkers, the American society, if it still exists, needs to remove all restraints so as to have total diversity, BUT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO THINGS SEXUAL, not when it comes to the other sins listed in Romans 1:26-32. Isn’t it strange that so many Americans, many of them self-professed “Christians,” insist on total sexual license but say nothing about those other 23 sins?
Bible believers are not shocked at the spiritual condition in which the United States now finds herself. “One Nation Under God” no longer exists. The society that claims “In God We Trust” no longer does. And she is not alone. All so-called “Christian nations” have fallen into the delectable trap set so many years ago in the Garden of Eden. Truly, Satan is still alive, well and dominant on planet earth. L.J.
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