I cannot sit still; I must do what little I can do–I must speak. I am watching my nation die as Baltimore burns. I find myself without words to describe my mind-set when I see six-year-olds arrested for pointing their index finger at a playmate and saying “bang” while teenagers burn cars and businesses in “protest” and NO ONE GETS SHOT. SHOOT THEM!!! Do the police carry guns for decoration? Why do not the business owners arm themselves and shoot anyone and everyone who enters the building? This nation is rotting from within and the disease is LIBERAL INDUCED POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Why not shoot a teen ager? Why not shoot law-breakers regardless of age or sex? Whether teens or adults, they do what they do because of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS–they know that nothing is going to happen to them. No one is going to shoot them, club them, taze them. They know that the public is beaten down and emasculated by the liberal left. They know there will be no ball bats to the face, no rocks to the head, no shot-gun blasts to the gut. God tells us that social authorities are put in place for the punishment of evil-doers. America has lost her bearings; she has left God and gone awhoring after the far left and their god–themselves. In the name of “love,” “tolerance,” “inclusion” and “diversity” we have become a nation of wimps; we have allowed Satan’s people to not only take over the government, but to infect the entire nation with the spirit of rebellion. Due to spiritual decay, national destruction is unavoidable. Get ready America, race riots, teen riots, social leach riots are on the way. I echo the words of one whose name I do not recall: “I tremble when I recall that God is just.” I yearn for someone important with a spine to say what I say to those few who listen to me. I sincerely wish I had a national podium. I would love to tell the PC people who and what they are and tell the populace to grow up and take the nation back. I would love to say the same thing to the citizens of England, France and all those other nations that allow Satan’s people to dictate to them what they will and will not do. The whole world is about to go up in flames. Political correctness is the fuel Satan is using to ignite them. L.J.
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