I sometimes wonder if anyone else has the type of relationship with the Lord that I enjoy. I wish everyone did. There are times when a bit of mystery is involved as He maneuvers me into the right place at the right time to hear or see something that, left to my own choices, I would neither hear nor see. Some time ago I found myself–an avid television avoider–sitting in front of a screen in the predawn hours watching what I normally avoid with a passion. I am referring to so-called “Christian programming” on so-called “Christian networks” where so-called “Christian preachers” mouth so-called Christian messages.
But here I sat, coffee cup in hand, watching the channel the Lord had guided me to, listening to a false prophet tell me something I assumed would be a slippery half-truth at best or a blatant Satanic lie at worst. I was right. This type of so-called “faith-based religious programming” is put forth on a 24/7/365 basis throughout the United States and, I assume, other areas of the Western World. Notice that I did not call such offerings “spiritual” programming, which would involve the teachings of the Biblical God. I called it what it is–“religious programming” by which Satan (the god of this world–(2 Cor. 4:4) “has blinded the minds of those who do not believe God’s Word.” I call it the counterfeit gospel which was already being preached during the time of the Apostle Paul (Gal. 1:6-9) which features the ministry and teachings of a counterfeit Jesus, which he warned about in 2 Cor. 11:4). The difference between God’s Gospel and Satan’s gospel is the difference between light and darkness, God’s Truth and Satan’s lies–LIFE AND DEATH. Simply put, spiritual Christianity involves God’s Word; religious Christianity involves church doctrine, both of which I not only know but have preached extensively.
On this particular morning the preacher’s message involved people who, though living worldly (sinful) lives, might, according to him, actually be “saved.” As had been the case on other occasions when I realized why the Lord had me up in the middle of the night watching similar religious nonsense, my spiritual antenna immediately activated. When I think I have heard it all, God opens my eyes to yet another Satanic “truth” that has been embraced by some religious group whose motto should be “Anything But the Bible.”
Though I am rarely surprised by what religious people say, this fellow’s statement got my immediate attention. My mind raced backwards for a few seconds. Did he say what I thought he said? Did he say that a true, God-loving, Bible-believing, Christ-worshiping saint might be hiding behind a sin-soaked, Satan-serving outward facade? To my surprise, that was exactly what he had said. And bear in mind that he was on television. Even at that time of night, t.v. time is very expensive. Therefore, this “minister of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15) undoubtedly had a relatively large following. So what was going on with him and his followers, who obviously believed what he was saying and probably practiced what he was putting forth as God’s “truth.” I noticed that He gave no Scriptural references, which is not unusual in the modern church.
Following the sometimes strange directions of the Lord, I have seen and heard some incredible theological “truths.” I watched a popular pastor named Jim Jones throw his Bible on the floor and tell his congregation that they did not need that book, that he, Reverend Jones, would lead them to paradise in heaven. I read a newspaper article about a pastor who, when pressed about some anti-Biblical teachings his church believed and practiced, stated that his church went “outside of the Bible” in search of truth. A local pastor who had read a newspaper article in which I Biblically destroyed many of professing Christendom’s “truths,” stated to one of his parishioners that everything I had written was true, but that he and his congregation were going in another direction. Another “man of God” said that Jesus and Satan were working together to get people saved. Satan would entice them to sin, then Jesus would save them. Each would have a vital part in the saving of souls. I was somewhat shocked by what these preacher was saying. In today’s world, Biblical “truth” is totally subjective, changeable and not at all permanent.
I took what the preacher was saying that morning and applied it to the situation that has developed within professing Christendom over the past several hundred years.
There is only one reason for a churchite to hide his belief in the Biblical God and His Holy Bible–FEAR–fear of being rejected by his fellow churchites, his family and friends for agreeing with those who truly do believe and obey God’s Truth. I spent many years in the religious system called “the church.” I remember when “everyone knew” that “those Saturday Sabbath keepers” who refused to celebrate Christmas and Easter, who believed that there was no such thing as a Trinity, who did not believe in going to heaven, obeying God’s Law, did not believe in denominations, etc. were religious reprobates who had “rejected God” and needed to be “saved.” I was once invited by a local pastor his church where I could hear the truth and get saved. My sin? I believed and obeyed the Holy Bible. Anyone having anything to do with such a “lost soul” as me is labeled a hell-bound reprobate and rejected. Church people avoid God’s people as if they have a spiritual disease. IF, that is, they can find one. Some, like the local preacher I mentioned earlier, know I am right about God’s Word and how it differs from church word, but refuse to align themselves with me, knowing that the cost would be religious suicide. People have told me in private that they liked what I had said on radio or printed in the local paper. However, I never see them again. I have had people hide from me in public for fear that I would speak to them. I have seen people point at me while whispering to people around them. It is no surprise that they do not ask me to join them. Belief in and obedience to the Bible as it is written identifies one as having a deadly religious disease. Like tuberculosis and leprosy, the diseased one must be isolated. Fear of rejection by one’s church friends, family and friends is one of Satan’s most powerful weapons. Keeping one’s distance from the source of the disease is the only sure protection from the disease the source is carrying.
Back in my college teaching days I warned my students about the deadly direction the United States was going, and that the church was leading the way down Satan’s slippery path. I was just sharing what the Lord was telling me. And He was right. I must admit things are happening faster and to more extent than I thought was possible. It is hard to believe what is going on in those buildings with crosses on top these days. As I told my students, DO NOT THINK YOUR CHURCH WILL RESIST SATAN’S PULL. If there isn’t already a queer flag somewhere on your church’s property there will be. If “Come as you are, stay as you are, Jesus loves you just as you are” isn’t printed somewhere on your church’s property, it will be. Hear me: THE DAY IS COMING WHEN CHURCHES WILL BE BURNING BIBLES. This will not be a new thing. Many years ago when I lived in the Rio Grande Valley, Americans would try to smuggle Bibles into Mexico. If they were caught their Bibles were burned. I spent much time in Mexico, Nicaragua and Honduras with people whose Bibles had been burned by police authorities on orders from the Catholic Church.
There will come a time when former Catholics and Protestants will be united with atheists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. into a one-world church led by the “false prophet” written about in Revelation 16:13; 19:20 and 20:10. All Bibles will be destroyed by governmental edict. Those who were church people but were not among God’s Very Elect will “run to and fro throughout the earth in search of God’s Word but will not find it (Amos 8:12). God’s true church will be in their place of safety where they will be protected and provided for while the world around them goes up in smoke (Rev. 12:14).
Once again I have started in one direction and gone in several others. Bear with me. I am too old to change. L.J.
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