In the series on God’s view of abortion (key word–Abortion) I note that God Himself said to the One Who would become the Savior of the world: “You ARE (present tense) My Son; THIS DAY I have BEGOTTEN you.” I point out that at the moment of conception, God identified the fertilized egg in Mary’s womb as His Son whom He, through the Holy Spirit, had begotten. For Bible believers, this settles the abortion issue once and for all. The state of Alabama recently declared the union of the male sperm and the female egg (conception) to be a child, a human being which, God said, was made in His image and likeness. “And He made THEM (not him) male AND (not or) female.” That statement settles the trans question for Bible believers. God knew He was going to make a mate for Adam, and that his mate would be a female, not another male. The pair was commissioned to multiply. Contrary to some opinions, males cannot give birth. Conversely, females cannot impregnate each other. At the end of the creation period God looked back on “EVERYTHING He had MADE and called it “VERY GOOD.” Here is where the saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes into play. God’s creation was perfect as it was. He does not need man to fix it, and certainly not with a thought.
In Matthew’s Gospel chapter 1, verses 1-16 we find the word “beget” used numerous times. In each case the word referred to what is commonly called “conception”–the instant when the male sperm penetrates the female egg and becomes one entity. The body that is formed at that time has every dna signature inherited from each of the parents that it will ever have. Such things as sex, height, eye color, etc. of the little human is set and will not change. Through the multiplication of cells the tiny human grows into a human being ready for physical birth. Nine months from the time of conception/begettal that pinpoint-sized being is born as a fully-formed baby. From birth the human being continues to grow through stages humanly labeled as infancy, childhood, adolescence, the teen years and adulthood.
The physical and mental changes that take place from conception to adulthood introduce us to the process that begins with spiritual “begettal” and ends with salvation (being “born again”) which will take place for the true saint at the return to earth of Jesus Christ. Read Born Again. Key word–Born. Each step of the begettal-to-salvation process follows the Biblically prescribed pattern this series will explain as best I can describe it. Admittedly, the minute details of the process are a mystery to me and everyone else as far as I know. Only God is capable if describing them correctly, which, to my knowledge, He has not done. Some things we mere humans simply do not need to know.
“You ARE My Son, THIS DAY I have begotten you” (Ps. 2:7). Note the present tense wording which tell us that God spoke those Words on the very day that He, through His Holy Spirit, impregnated Mary who would become the mother of the Savior of the world. This Truth was voiced by the mother of John the Baptist a short time after Mary’s impregnation when she arrived at Elizabeth’s home. Upon hearing Mary’s voice the child in Elizabeth’s womb leaped as she was filled with the Holy Spirit, causing her to proclaim: “… the mother of my Lord has visited me.” God had become a Father and the hours-old child in Mary’s womb had become a Son. A spiritual family had formed in an instant. Let us see how and why this miraculous event had taken place.
The Apostle Mark begins his Gospel with these words: “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” This tells us that a family relationship had been created. The human Son of the spirit God had come to earth as a flesh and blood man. Scripture repeatedly reveals that God is a literal Father and that His truly converted and obedient saints are His literal children. God and Christ comprise a family. So what does this say about the true brethren of Christ? The answer is wonderful revelation.
The Apostle John’s Gospel begins by talking about the “Word.” In the Greek language the Word is “Logos,” meaning spokesman, word or revelatory thought. Who is this Logos/Word? In verse 14 John describes Him thusly: “And the Word (Who was a God–Jn. 1:1-4,14) was MADE flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and Truth.” Notice what had taken place: the Being Who had at one time been the Word had become the Son of God. Bear in mind that this Being had been a God (one-half of the Godhead) before becoming a human being. Philippians 2:6 tells us that, as the Word/Logos, He had been in an equal relationship with the One who would become His Father. The Word and God were at that time equals in every respect. However, the Word “made Himself a lower being by taking upon Himself the status of a servant.” When He became a man he divested Himself of all of His innate (natural) Godly powers. From that point on He obtained the powers He used as a man exactly as other men can obtained them.
Through those God-supplied powers I have healed the sick, cast out demons, raised a man to life after being dead for four days, known things I had no way of knowing, changed the weather, etc. God is no respecter of persons. For some reason unknown to me God has moved on me twice over the past two days me to tell people what HE HAS DONE through me. In both instances I had not even thought about doing so before the command came. Now back to the important subjects–Father and Son.
As a servant the Word (the God of the Old Testament–key word–Testament) humbled Himself and became obedient to God by allowing Himself to be sacrificed on a cross, all for the sake of mere human beings, knowing that the vast majority of would reject Him and count as nothing the incredible sacrifice He had made. This level of love is impossible for me to comprehend. An age-old hymn describes such love beautifully: “Leaving the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny, on the lonely hill called Golgotha, there He lay down His life for me. If that isn’t love ….” Such love is incomprehensible to me. How could we even think of disobeying Him?
When the Word came to earth as the Son, He became, with that act and throughout the time He was on earth, the “ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD” (Jn. 1:14). It was only after His sacrificial death and resurrection that human beings could become begotten children of God as had Jesus of Nazareth. It was only following His resurrection from the dead, at which time He was born again (changed from physical to spiritual bodily consistency), that human beings could be converted and receive the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming sons of God, though not yet born again. That will take place upon His return when His true saints will be changed into what He is now–totally spirit beings. The first resurrection and the born again experience is described in First Corinthians 15:51,52 where we are told: “Behold, I show you a mystery: we will not all sleep (die before His return), but we will all be changed (born again). In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised as spirit beings, and we will all be changed (born again). In First Thessalonians 4:14-17 Paul tells us that upon Christ’s appearance in the clouds the dead will rise to meet the Lord first, followed by those who are alive. Read the Three Resurrections and The Kingdom of God to learn what happens after that. In First John 3:2 we are told that, when He appears, “we will be(come) like Him (visually), for we will see Him as He is”–a spirit. This is the salvation-awarding, born again event that God’s true, obedient saints will experience upon His arrival. L.J.
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